Pollution, and the myth [Serious]

I’ve read CO2 also persists much longer than methane, which makes it worse in the long-term, but methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas.


Since we are the topic, I wanted to know what people on this forum believe in. I have made the poll anonymous, so vote what you believe in.

  • Global warming is a hoax, nature just does it thing.
  • Global warming is real and will affect us in our lifetime
  • Global warming is real, but it’s blown out of proportion. Even my kids won’t experience its effect.

0 voters

I vote to add another poll option,

“Global warming is real, Humans are causing it, and it’s affecting us right now.

And then I would like to pick that one.


Can’t change the poll after 5 minutes :frowning:

or how about an option for,
“Global warming is real, humans are causing it, and it’s affecting us right now, and even if we were to bring down all the global warming gasses we’re still fucked with a million other things, and we need to stop the breeding of the humans just to get stuff even within reach”
that’s what id vote for. it’s as if every human or life form on earth is getting a slice of the pie and my slice is too thin now!harhar

it sounds pessimistic. it is pessimistic in the short term. I think one day we’ll figure it out.

why do they keep cutting down the trees. it seems an easy and pleasant solution to cover everywhere with trees.https://www.thoughtco.com/which-trees-offset-global-warming-1204209


I think climate change is real but I also think some people treat it like a doomsday religion instead of a science and others think it’s a hoax this is what I think the problem is. We need real solutions not someone on one hand promising doom and calling you a denialist when you ask questions and on the other hand you have a Jack ass saying it’s all a hoax.


and people seem incapable of figuring it out. maybe they didn’t get the research skills in school. critical thinking. the rest of the world seems more aware than the usa. these days more than ever do I feel im in a dual media universe here being fed crap.

someone mentioned the tech these days. I think we have the tech right now to do anything and its the institutions that are holding us on this destructive path. ofcourse the institutions that control the dollar and dont want change, but we are really to blame. of course they will do that. of course they will sell us the same thing and like 90 percent of adults are hooked into the mechanics of it and it’s their livelihood. they should cut off voting over 15.


You are onto something. Humans are definitely Planet Cancer. However, being a human myself, I support humans :smirk:

I just try to minimize my impact.


So basically, you’re saying you believe in science. I do too :smiley:


Thats the strange thing. The planet gives a shit about us… we are not going to protect the planet, all we are doing is supposed to protect humankind. The planet has endured a lot worse than us in the past. We are not killing Earth, we are killing ourselves.


Agree with the general sentiment, but we’ve also managed to put a pretty big dent in a lot of ecosystems over the years. One of the things that freaks me out is the acidification of ocean water and destruction of reefs. In any case yah goal is save what’s here already as much as we can for other humans, Earth and life in general will go on (at least another 5 billion years or so, assuming no gamma ray bursts from pulsars or other astronomical objects take out the planet)

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the amount of hot fuel at all the nuke power plant that needs to be constantly cooled to avoid a hot fuel fire seems the biggest way to hugely disturb life on earth. I still think I should buy a gas mask for the next hot fuel fire. fukushima was another lucky break for all of us. The rest of life on earth gets no respect. not that im protesting in the streets but the injustice of the destruction of the rest of life here, and how no one cares, that’s why I think humans are scum.


@b264 is apparently also an expert on renewable energy technology and environmental science. Neat.

You should put more time into these kind of posts. You made a lot of leaps & statements of fact without actually providing any evidence. It comes across as a gross oversimplification of a much more complex global issue.

I say this as someone currently working in renewable energy technology for my day job. More data and less Word of Brian. :kissing_heart:

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@DerelictRobot Instead of being negative, why don’t you add constructive information to the thread? That’s why I opened it.

I’m sure we’d all much rather some interesting stuff about renewable energy than you cutting some other guy down for doing what he thinks is right.


A) I do this shit for my day job. I legitimately am not super motivated to get into a renewable energy/environmental sciences discussion on a forum I go on for fun.

B) if you had posted a thread asking questions, rather than posturing as an expert that already had the answers he needed, I might have been more motivated to jump in.

I’m not being negative here, and certainly not for sport. Just feedback if you’d like to foster actual discourse on a topic. Why bother when it sounds like you’ve already got all your answers?


Because one of the primary purposes of this forum is the sharing of information and good ideas, and debunking harmful myths falls squarely under that umbrella?


@DerelictRobot Why you in this thread then?

I’m sure we’d all much rather some interesting stuff about renewable energy than you cutting some other guy down for doing what he thinks is right.

And then you double down on your negativity.


It is remarkable how often the simplest rules are the most important. We should each leave our part of this planet better off than we found it. I am certain that would work out for the best in the long run. The other possibility in this matter, in the long run, will not work out well at all for the carbon units.


While people argue whether global warming happens or not or if it’s caused by humans, and only blindly focus on CO2, I like to consider CO2 concentration increases as essentially just an index on all the other shit that we’ve spoiled the environment with. Pollutants, micro particles, dioxins, plastics, radioactive elements, asbestos, fecal matter, fresh water depletion rates, species extinction… you name it, and you can most likely find a decent correlation with the CO2 increase. (and probably also correlated to population overshoot…).

And interestingly, aiming to decarbonize our activities tends to also contribute towards reducing all the aforementioned shit. So even if Global Warming happens to not being our fault, there would still be tangible benefits in actively addressing it and transitioning to renewables and to more energy frugal ways of transportation.
It’s typically a good way to reframe the debate when faced with climate change deniers.


I know for a fact humans can improve things. I grew up in coal mining country. I know of streams that were once so polluted with mine runoff they were odd colors and stained the banks. Nothing lived in them. Today some of them are crystal clear trout streams. I moved to LA 37 years ago. The air pollution here today is orders of magnitude better than it was then, with many more people living in the region.

We all know we can pollute and clean up at the scale of rivers and even the Great Lakes. To deny that we impact at a global level is self delusion. To deny that we can do anything about it is self serving. To claim a god put the planet here for us to rape is self immolation.