[Poll] EU/Global Group Buy Interest

yeah but you havent had them in stock for quite a bit
also when talking to hummie the prices he offered seemed a little cheaper then yours

Pneumatics maybe. P groups are impossible to ship easily, daly bms there isn’t really a discount so generally you’re better off going direct, lights I have access to shredlights but the MOQ is 1 so there isn’t some insane discount or anything its just b2b.

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I’m not going to be selling them at GB price in my store :sweat_smile: The order is literally already placed. They’re like halfway through production.
Also the price is likely to come down to be closer to the US price, but it will still be a little higher, our import tax is over double theirs and I’m not a charity.


yeah i get you
dont worry the stuff you do is awesome
was just pointing out why a gb could still be up for grabs

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Maker-X ESC’s?


If we did ESCs it would be really easy to make it a global group buy. But I don’t know that there are any good ones out rn. The miniFOC doesn’t run well in FOC, and I don’t know if the sv6 has had its issues sorted.

Theres also maytech and flipsky both of which have had some issues AFAIK

oh no i’ve woken @glyphiks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


If they have had their foc issues sorted, the sv6 would be awesome. But there hasn’t been any indication that new products would be fixed :expressionless:

Smart BMS could be a sweet GB… flexi maybe?


the SV6 if community approved would be :ok_hand:
(p.s what are the flaws of the V6?)

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You should just offer them in your store though. Waiting months on shipping from China isn’t the best. What you could do a group buy for though, is to ask Daly to make a small form factor 12s BMS. They have a pretty small 10s version, I bet lots of people would love to have that for 12s as well.


I have some on hand, but they were originally going in the store but then I needed them for my own projects :wink:

I can stock them at some point though. I am still missing loads of items, just had to spend $500 on bearings just to hit the MOQ. But they’re oil slicked


What is wrong with the miniFOC? (Besides the need for an extra capacitor).

To me they have been amazing in FOC. 950km and counting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It might be the SV6 That has FOC issues. The mini FOC also can’t really run very high amps for the price.

Yeah I had serious issues with FOC on the SV6, it was basically unusable. There have been several complaints about other models too.

Just throwing it out there, but how about a global group buy for this:

Edit: Balance Pro 6.6+ Discussion


Maybe davega if @janpom is interested

Can’t do a GB now. Maybe once I have managed to catch up with my (long) order list.

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Ah ok cool



I think cloudwheels or Maytech remotes + ESC. I think probably the maytech stuff, but maybe cloudwheels. My factory connect already gave me the new price sheet and things. The only tough part is shipping the cloudwheels, because they’re so large and heavy the US shipping is $25 (Ironically, this is about the same as it costs to ship domestically in the US…) whereas the maytech ESC have no problem going via royal mail for $8.


This would be nice - I still wanna try them haha

I feel like I don’t ride hard enough to break them like some others have, on the new discovery core anyway