Any other disadvantages besides reduced mileage from the lower psi I’m not thinking of in comparing fivestar to Rockstars for my expected use? Is there a quality or durability difference?
I dont own fivestars so someone else would have to chime in, but I dont think there is another disadvantage, like mentioned 3.5 bar makes the tires pretty hard already.
None at all. I have both sets and constantly wonder why people buy rockstar 2s over fivestars. I run my roadie tires at 55 psi with no issues.
Fivestars ftw! Plus they take dye really well so you can customize colors.
To be faiiiir, the rockstar 2s are nylon and would take dye the same
Results vary… Black seems to absorb well while other colours like Kentucky Sky didn’t work for me
That’s what I was wanting to hear from someone who owns both.
From a marketing perspective, I can’t understand why they would offer the two models with such close similarities, other than different materials offering different trade offs, but I’m not seeing that big of a difference between them to substantiate keeping both in production.
Did you double the dye like the recipe suggested? Also you used the synthetic, you should specifically NOT use the synthetic type.
I used this, all purpose and had nylon listed on the bottle.
How come xD ? That’s interesting! I didn’t double, no, and I used synthetic… Right I’ll try again soo then with your method haha
For deeper colors, it is recommended to double the amount of dye used while keeping the water, dish soap, and vinegar the same.
The synthetic version is meant to dye specialty fabrics (polyester, acrylic, acetate)
The all purpose version is made to dye cotton, wool, and silk, as well as synthetics like nylon and rayon
You will have much better results using the all purpose, I promise!
I also recommend doing them all in one batch to ensure the same color. I bought a $15 large pot you’d boil seafood in.
Aren’t 5 star rims wider than superstars?
Some drivetrains arent made for fivestars. Particularly gear drives
Not sure on superstar dimensions but here are fivestar
@moon says as hes shipping me a gear drive for my fivestars…
My gear drive is fine with them
Do you have a higher res drawing?
Will do my dude!
I would copy that do the how-to-dye-thread
Also thanks for fixing the five-star diagram… I must have copy-pasted the wrong one by mistake
I just wish we could buy phatty tires in the EU😭
Is there any metal pulleys for sale that can fit the 6 inch aliexpress wheels?
before I kill myself, do you guys see any problem running 9 inch tires on 3.75 inch hubs? I do understand that contact patch between tire and hub is smaller, but it looks like it’s still enough.
I am using 3d printed spacer to center hub inside wheel.
You may end up with this:
Not sure what hub you’re using but 9+" often require larger flanges on the rim to keep it in place. Think that’s how the Megastars work?
Not entirely sure if that’s what you mean or something else.
That’s exactly what I meant! I want to try 9 inch tire on smaller hub (I have 3DS 3.75 inch hubs) - it holds very well on 48 psi but I still have to ride it.
Your photo scared me a bit, that’s exactly what I don’t want to happen
Maybe attach them to the board and do some stationary jumping and then see if they slide off the hub