Took the board apart today to install a puck remote. I’ve given up on OSRR availability, and I don’t really need a remote with telemetry if I have Davega.
First things first, I wanted to check if I had a loose wire or something that would explain my VX1 FULL disconnecting. Well, it seems like I did an overkill job securing and insulating the receiver wires, so conclusion: not user error, VX1 is just crap. I also had the VX1 in my small board disconnect fully once, so I will be swapping that one out too.
I also wanted to make some space for the 12V buck converter, so I made an extender cable for the battery’s XT-90, that also splits off into a switch → fuse → buck → fuse → external accessory port.
Battery is secured with double sided tape and foam on the sides (it’s not closed cell, but it’s all I had), and then I hot-glued things like the flexibms and buck in place. This is the final enclosure layout: (it’s tight!)
I put some neopreme foam sheets on top, and bolted her up for good (fingers crossed).
Then I cut up a 12V side-emitting LED strip, and hot-glued it around the enclosure. It doesn’t seem to hold well, so there’s a big chance it’ll fall off. Will have to check up on it while riding. Worst case I’ll use epoxy, but that means it’ll be permanent
Once the threadlocker cures I’ll ride to a more scenic place for final pictures (still have to powder-coat the duck handle too!), but here’s a few pics in the meantime.
The puck color doesn’t quite match, but I might swap it out for a different shell anyway. I also bought the glow-in-the-dark shell, but it’s very underwhelming, like most glow-in-the-dark things are. Thanks for reading!