Defiant Board Society | who we are and what we're doing

Decks are the holdup, but once they start flowing we’ll have inventory for both orders and reviewers of course. We’re actually receiving some decks today if this tracking info is correct.

Also we’re going to esk8con! And I’m going to make a separate post about it, but we’re looking for somebody to ride our board in the races there.


Sick - I guess the decks are pretty important lmao

Any plans to sell decks and enclosures separately?


Defiant basically built my board with bigger motors, an extra p, and a Davega and I take that as the highest compliment. It’s really a perfect board for pure electric skating on urethane. And still lightweight enough to carry under one arm.


That is being talked about, as well as the entire drive train set, wheels and all.


That’s a sweet build!


But the Davega and reverse mounted motors were stolen ideas from my board :stuck_out_tongue:

And I agree, it’s really an amazing part selection for a fast urethane board :fire:


reverse mounted motors is the future

capybara board looks fire.

Are the truck made in house? you guys gonna sell the trucks by themselves ?

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Please ignore the guys rummaging through your apartment stealing more ideas for boards. They’re actually there to help you.

No. They were custom made for us by Boardnamics. We revered the orientation of the motors, beveled the hangers to keep the motors as tight as possible, and made them 280mm wide. Also the gear drives themselves are designed for a fixed ratio, the tolerances are pretty tight in there, barely room for grease.

we’ll likely sell the whole drive system as a kit, it’s being heavily considered.


If you do, I’d want an option without the wheels.

I don’t plan on buying a set of thanes anytime soon and I don’t feel like being forced to buy thanes with the drivetrain I like.

Gonna throw some input in here as i got my hands on a set of the hangers earlier on

Goddamn did yall do a nice job. Ive discovered wide RKPs arent for me, but man were they nicely made.


you won’t want a 2.22 ratio on anything over 110mm, … maybe 120… but of course making wheels optional isn’t a big deal. Pneumatics would likely set off the thermal throttling constantly.


Naah I’d wanna run airless rubber on it. 105mm most likely.


do defiant boards come programmed with roll to start ?

Yes, though I don’t think it’s mentioned anywhere. We should probably fix that. Thanks!

What are you using for roll to start? Is it a feature of the VESC used, an antispark or something else? Is it proprietary tech?


it’s a feature of the Stormcore 60D+. It seems to be enabled by default as we didn’t have to do anything configuration wise. It’s sensitive enough to be triggered by quickly twisting a wheel by hand.


We’ve started shipping boards! Also, we’re doing a discount code for forum members only! If you’re looking for a DIY friendly board that you don’t have to DIY now but maybe want to later, we’ll give you a $100 off!

Discount code: ESK8FORUM


Do all of your batteries come without shrink wrap?

Or is the shrink wrap under the kapton? :thinking:


That heat shrink is around the individual two-group segments. The segments are taped then shrinked. Heat shrinking the whole pack wouldn’t work because of the enclosure. The segments are heat shrinked, then the solder points are cut out over the tabs, then they’re soldered together during final assembly and taped over to keep everything down and free of debris in the event of ingress.

This worked out pretty well when we “accidentally” submerged the enclosure in a pretty deep puddle on the prototype and then opened the enclosure to look for where the moisture went. most compartments were dry but where there was moisture ingress it was on or near the pack and not in it. Keep in mind this was submerged, not just splashed on. Although it is not recommended to ride through puddles or in the rain, we have found that splashing and even riding in rain doesn’t seem to create much, if any, ingress, presumably due to the foam gasket and the silicone seal around the motor wires.