Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

@Fosterqc Shitty chromebook. Its basically an android disguised as a laptop… I can get a better one. But just message me. Some kid with initiative already did and he gon get some work from me cuz I like that but I’ve seen YOUR work and its really good and you enjoy it and that’s important to me any time I ask anyone to make me anything ever.
@ShutterShock yeah I took cad class in high-school and used to blender and gimp and all the other stuff but im rusty and would rather pay someone to do better work than I could instructed by my tiny bits of knowledge and wack ideas 75%of the time.


Also I was wrong again I meant 18350s…
There was an improper listing…

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Haha fair enough

If Q doesn’t want to I’d be interested in hearing what you’d like modeled as well, feel free to PM


for chromebook check out onshape

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anyone know why the spring trucks turn so little? the deck angle is 35 degree and i weigh around 55 kg and i cant get it to turn more than a little

Adjust the tention screws on the sides

you mean this one?

No it looks like there’s 2 holes right next to the truck mount screws. I think that’s how you adjust the tention on the springs.




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loosen or tighten?

If they don’t move then loosen them a full turn at a time until they move how you want

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i tried to fully loosen or tighten it feels the same when i step on it

Did you loosen both sides evenly? Are sure there’s no wheelbite. Or that the motor mount isn’t somehow contacting the deck?


nothing in the way but it still feels stiff

What trucks are these? Mine are matrix 2 so the way you adjust them is a little different. Also when you loosen/tighten the screw do you actually feel it becoming looser or tighter?It could just be spinning in place.

flipsky trucks, yeah the screw is pretty much all the way up it also went all the way down whem i tightened it

ok turns out the default is already 100% loose and taking the screw out any further would have no effect, it can only be tightened more not loosened

i guess ill just drill new holes and put some angled risers

Remember that angled risers already have holes in the right angle and thus don’t need any new holes drilled into the deck.


when increasing a truck’s angle you usually also switch to softer bushings because the forces are smaller at that angle. So I’m not sure how much that would help or not. Try the board with bindings first to determine if it’s really an issue, and if yes, maybe you can buy replacement springs that are softer?