Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Its not weird. KAMI Jun youtube shows how it rides and it doesn’t really throw you off. It just looks silly. I get it if it’s the esc, but not the battery.

Hm well I guess it depends on how heavy your battery is, although I guess in comparison to the weight of the rider it isn’t much

At the same time, it would be awful offroad


When I think composite materials I think @glyphiks @BigBen @rosco

I usually sweep the area into a corner before vacuuming. It works for me. And I don’t even have a fancy shop. I did it in my bedroom.

As for how dangerous, I don’t know. All I know is that it feels like glass. Quite annoying.

Move apartments would be my tip.
It’s very bad for the lungs and is an irritant to the skin.
Keep cleaning is there only way.
Vac, mop and throw away all the cloths.


I do all cutting and sanding outside. In gloves, wearing goggles and a respirator. And try to wear old clothes I can chuck. Long sleeves. It is very hard to remove fibres from fabric. I imagine carpet would be the same.



i cant solder to mini blade fuses
someone help

trying copper wire (thing strands) to a mini blade fuse


Why not use a pre-wired mini-blade fuse holder?


i was hoping to get it done today and cant be bothered waiting to get them delivered

if there is no way then i will just order the holder

There’s always a way to solder directly to the blades of a fuse but it’s never a good idea to do so (can affect the fuse and you’re making it hard to change it). If you can’t be bothered to wait then solve your problem.

It should be a simple procedure so carefully look at all the things you are doing and figure out what is going wrong. Check temperature, type of solder, surface preparation, etc. It should only take a minute to prep the wire and finishing soldering both blades.

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I’d not put the fuse rn, order the holder, and when it arrives, on a free rainy day, install it.


dont think thats a good idea

you by mistake stab your charge port with an allen key or scisorrs and your screwed

i will order the holder and do some other stuff today

This is why you

A: don’t get near your chargeport with conductive items


B: have a charge port cover.


still not worth taking risks
ive got kids in the house so worth being careful

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How bout you just… disconnect the battery and then solder your fuse to the charge port side.


thats what im trying
sadly the fuses arent letting the solder stick


tried that and still nothing

not getting shiny joints. just the dull mess

Then that’s probably a f-up on your part.

Got a pic of how it looks?