Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

OK - set to true on “local” only - that makes sense, and it was not that way before - I am so stuck on always make everything the same on both

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OK - think I have it now - it is working - Thanks so much, I will hopefully die less now!

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How loose? M or F connector? On all the LP20’s that I have had, the pins are a tiny bit loose.


This loose:

It’s the same amount of wiggle on both sides, not sure if it’s cause for concern tho?

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That looks fine to me, but if you want to flood around the back of the pins with silicone once you have your wires soldered on I cant imagine it will hurt anything.

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Cool cool; the last thing I want is accidentally pulling a pin out and shorting it lol

Thanks :grin:

Connect the male and female together while you solder them and while you glue/silicone/seal them.


Yeeep that was the plan :yum:

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Quick question if you have gotten from trampa the Tampa’s pulley set. I see that a 460/15/5mm poly belt is recommended on a 66t/13-15t set up from trampa themselves, is this accurately given on an Open motor mount pulley? Or is this for a different pulley system?

Trampa sucks at giving clarity on what pulleys works with what motor mounts.

Edit: it says that for 8inch wheels, use 475 instead.

So it appears my Vesc App is version 5.1 but I can’t seem to work out how to update it to 5.2.
You say to install bootloader first but what does this mean? Only option I seem to have is ‘upload’ in that tab. See pic

You got it. You first scroll down to bootloader and hit upload all. Then you can download the firmware with no issues. What bootloader does is mainly try and reboot the esc to give it the availability of being updated since sometimes you can’t update due to a locked bootloader of an older software. Think of it as a memory card that needs formatting.

If for some reason you can’t update that esc, then it’s probably due to it having hardware (mainly software) issues.

Edit: sometimes it may not properly do it via app. But it should give you this:

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Thanks for the help. I uploaded bootloader, then uploaded firmware. I then lost BT connection. I turned board off then back on and tried to reconnect to Bluetooth but got this:

Looks like I’ll need to open her up and plug in to computer now haha. Was trying to avoid that as I’ll need to download new vesc tool software to get latest firmware correct? Or am I mistaken there? My computer is so old and slow haha.
Hopefully I’ve not screwed my BT module too :man_shrugging:

That happens because once you upload the esc, it reverts from PPM and Uart to PPM only. I don’t know why that happens on the app. But you should be good to go. Your Bluetooth isn’t broken. Otherwise, mine would had as well.

I’m hoping they fix that bug. Because it also happened to me. But you should be able to get 5.2 after this. My pc is also very old as well. Hate using it at times.


Thanks heaps!!!

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No problem. If anything, just check your PPM and Uart settings and turn it back on to PPM and Uart. That’s all you need really. Also check firmware and see if you got the 5.2.


Yeah will do once I get around to opening her up. Cheers again


So today I started soldering. I have some pictures of my soldered XT60. I would really like to get some feedback.

The soldering Iron was about 430 Celsius and my Rosin flux was very hard??? So i didnt use it…

Is this connector useable or not? :sweat_smile:

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Try to get that as close to the way you did the black wire.


Should I first connect the charger to the wall and the to the battery, or vice versa? Either way seems to give me sparks.

Also in which order should I disconnect the charger when i finish charging?

Charger to the wall first. Check your charge port and see if there’s something. Usually it’s something metal or conductive and can cause the spark.