Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Is hot glue sufficient for strain relief on a JST plug?

Noob question for gear ratio:

I noticed that I couldn’t go up the 45% graded hill in my area with my ratio being 2.75 or 16t/44t system. What gearing ratio do I need to go up this hill? I’m using 6374 190kv motors.

Even my hub motor board can go up this hill at 20mph. This one couldn’t even pull 5mph.


wheel size? easiest way to gain more torque is going with larger wheel pulley or using a smaller motor pulley, other things u can do is, use smaller wheels…that’s before u start touching the motor amps part :stuck_out_tongue:

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8 inch trampa wheels. But it would seem like I should get a much larger wheel pulley. Unfortunately, trampa doesn’t sell anything larger for hypahubs.

they have 62 teeth pulleys I believe

then either going smaller motor pulley (don’t go too smaller tho, 12t is pretty much the limit) or start to lower ur wheel dia. if none of them work out for ya, boost them motor amp, use the smallest motor pulley, largest wheel pulley and throw on some gummies :rofl: if u still can’t get on that hill, time for something else

e: here is all the trampa pulley Trampaboards product search


I searched far and wide, and only saw 44ts

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u have to search in their website using the phrase “slave pulley” to get correct result

fun fact: if u search “key” in trampa’s website, u get a bunch of non sense :crazy_face:
no hate plz frank


Saw your edit. Thank you very much. They have a 66t, which should be good.

Although, why does trampa put them with specific motor mounts…



I was about to make an edit with the link to a bigger wheel pulleys

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just becareful when u r on flat ground, don’t floor it, u don’t wanna be like this
backflip fail


I’ve learned my lesson after dealing with the 16t/72t set up. Unfortunately, I can’t use the same hubs since trampa has made their trucks specifically for their products only.


because they don’t like people not buying their stuff, so if they specifically write that, others might think “oh it only works with ______, meh, might as well buy that as a kit”

if u didn’t have hypa, u could have 76t pulley :rofl:

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yeah Trampa has some sort of Dictatorship fetish with the things they do :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: kinda like with the VESC™

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Sounds like bad marketing to be fair. But business is business, regardless of how stupid their ideals are.

If I were to upgrade my board, I’ll look elsewhere.


Shhhhhh :speak_no_evil: u don’t wanna wake frank up

took them forever to finally rework their website, so at least its usable on desktop, but mobile page take forever to load, and it has to load all the banner and other crap before u can punch the hamburger for other catagories :sleepy:

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Is that mobile version still buggy? I almost gave up getting the trampa products because of that.


at least u can search now, but ONLY after all the banners and pictures are loaded on the page :man_shrugging:t2: not sure if that’s a me problem, but im using 5g network on s20ultra with chrome…pretty standard setup i’d say, page take forever to finish loading, so i don’t really go on trampa’s website on my phone

Lol yeah, definitely will look elsewhere when I upgrade.

I mean their products are good quality but the way they treat some people is shitty, their website is trash and looks like it was made in the early 2000, shipping is fast to be fair so that’s good lmao

for me it works better on my phone than on pc :joy:

I’m using a note9 it takes about 5 seconds or less to load, weird

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