Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

For the most part when this has occured, it has meant it needs to be recharged.

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oh i actually meant vibrating like this: bzzz ____ bzzz ____ bzzz ____ :joy:


without context we might think you’re talking about something else…

télécharger (1)

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i mean, its kinda round, it vibrates, it has battery that needs to charge

what could it be :crazy_face:

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As already mentioned both are metr.

Left is the OG metr, right a Metr pro.

Both can be used to program your vesc. OG metr should be treated as a legacy device since it doesn’t support some new features. I think it didn’t Support firmware updates on the module itself so it’s licked out on some things.

OG metr < metr pro < metro pro CAN

OG metr doesn’t have encryption so everyone can connect to it. Metr pro has a code you need before you can connect to it. Usually a sticker on the metr itself. Otherwise contact the metr guys.


U r missing something there :smirk:

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Metr pro LTE ? I saw your post on insta @xsynatic


Yes, since it’s not out yet I haven’t put it on the list.


Alright I have a noob question because I might have fucked something

So I have a 10s4p 30Q pack I built last year. I used it on a board that was running 5.1 firmware on a unity. Because it was a unity I thought it would follow the similar sentiment in the Focbox UI tool. Like for example the battery max discharge is 80A, the Focbox UI would take it as 80A total.

So when I set it up in VESC tool I set the master side to 80A. I recently used the pack again and realised it only charges to 90%, or 40v. Did my battery max settings deplete my battery’s lifespan? Even if I never ridden hard enough to discharge the battery’s ‘supposed’ max rating

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does it test good so far? is/will there also be a tester for North America ? I’m curious :eyes:

haven’t been able to do a real outide test so far. It’s been raining non stop.

there is already :shushing_face:


Is the BMS allowing to charge to the full 100% / 42v? if not that could be part of your problem

but 80A for each side is hum WAYYYYY too much for the 30Q so most likely damaged them pretty hard how did it not burn down?

OH you mother fricker, lowkey jealous lmao

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Having followed this diagram (thanks!) - When charging the board - I assume to leave the loop key unplugged? And have the charger on before plugging it into the charge port? I’m using a 5.5 2.1mm DC charge port. Thanks.

its not really a secret anymore :joy:

maybe dead p-group?

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Hopefully not, I’ll open up the enclosure and measure each group and report back.

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wouldn’t that mean it charges the p group at least what 2v ?

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probably, or other p-group are being over charged

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but the bms should prevent that also, so maybe faulty bms causing a dead p group ? @Linny you’re on a quest now we must find out

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Ok, I’ll update in… 20 hours. Its late and mans has work the next day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


How do I find out how many poles are in this motor? I would like to know for the esk8 calculator.