Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Ive got a problem with my board. Sometimes when i ride across some bumps or cracks in the road, it just cuts out and i have to turn it off and on again to work. What could be the problem? I have a fsesc 6.6 with aluminium case with integrated antispark. Also i have a firefly remote, but that shouldnt be a problem.

I like the tires. They feel a teensy loose grip at 50PSI. but really nice in general. don’t have a ot of miles on em yet. but seem worth the purchase so far. my comparison is with 7" evolve and 8" kendas.

not sure about the tubes. 2 of my tubes had slow leaks from the start. one had a valve stem cracked.


People have done it, and reported success, but keep in mind you are using equipment in ways it is not designed for.

Fire hazards beware

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Sounds like your power switch to me. What switch is it? That’s exactly, to a tee, what the Evolve Carbon GT does

So am i able to fix this or do i have to live with this?

duly noted, unplugging the connector it is then. not gonna risk burning my house down

Ive seen people having with issues with these


I think instead you should troubleshoot it and figure out what the problem is.


Quick question, has anyone seen/built a tayto or spud rocking berg wheels? If not any input is welcome.

Answering my own NOOB question: vesc_tool --> Developer --> Parameter Editor Mcconf --> l_temp_motor_start/end --> change values --> save --> exit --> compile

this is how u set ur temps greater then 120>

how do i complie the file after i save it ?


what’s that thing called that some builds have that the belt runs over? it seems to maybe add a bit of pressure to cut any slack, or just keep the belt more stable…? I’ve read it a bunch of times but I can’t remember the name… a “runner”, or something similar sounding

It’s called an idler pulley


that’s the ticket

They aren’t really needed under most circumstances. I’ve stopped using them, as the problems they solve seem to be smaller than the problems they can cause.


I actually want to use it for something else, just couldn’t remember the name. Thanks

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Am i missing somthing ?

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fuck I thought I muted you… soon to be rectumfied… AMF


you brother have the patience of Job! not that evil Steve guy… the bible guy…


have you considered just tweaking your beta values


I have a no name board that quit working. Now I can’t get any turns in and it sux hard. It was decent before it died easily Outmanouvering bicyclists. I noticed the power switch Wire was broken so I tried to hook up a switch I had laying around. It should beep when turned on. I have a volt meter and soldering iron. If anyone can help me trouble shoot it further it would be very much appreciated.