Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

So if i add one more parallel its same sped but longer battery life. I get that but wont it not fit? Or is Meepo just really inefficient with their battery pack space?

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I’m not sure about space or how meepo does their packs, but since there’s an ER version of the board I just assume that there is space.

Adding another parallel group will not affect your riding experience except for one thing. When you accelerate hard, the voltage of the battery will sag. With more parallel groups it won’t sag as much. It’ll give you better hill climbing speed.

You cannot just add another parallel group to an existing battery like that. You would need a new battery that just has more P groups and/or better cells.

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I misworded, by “adding one more parallel” i meant making a new pack that is now 10s3p. Ofc with better cells most likely p24a or p26a battery cells.

As for your other question, the ER battery is bigger, but marginally, by like 10mm on L and W. Idk if there is a bigger slot or same slot but not fully used on non ER board.

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I think the ER uses Samsung 40T cells. 40T and p42a are super similar to each other. They’re physically larger with a higher capacity too.

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Can confirm that


Yup, and non ER uses 20R

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this may be an undesired opinion here, but what’s stopping you from buying the ER battery directly from meepo if you’re using the same board?

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@CadenSG ive opened a meepo pack before and they are super inneficient. they use huge cell spacers and have a ton of padding on the enclosure walls

you could prob fit a 10s3p in there if you were clever

since you are in the usa send a dm to @skyart or @BenjaminF or @ZachTetra and you can pay them to build you a new battery for your requirements

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they charge a lot for it and its still an 8Ah battery which isnt huge
prob 12-15miles of range

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I’d say price.

I got a fully custom built 10s2p p42a pack for 165€.

Next is a 12s3p p42 for 185€ (just the cells)


didnt realize it was $300. For that price though, he may be able to get a 10s3p 30q pack which would have more capacity.

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there are lots of battery builders in the usa who could offer a way better price and then he could sell his old pack

also @xsynatic he told me on the old forum he needs his trust rating increased to level 1 so he can pm and send more messages
how can he do this

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if he was on ESB and had a higher rank there, then he can contact Jamie or Damon to get the same one here. (He needs to provide his old Username)


he was new there too so i dunno

how long does he have to read here to get to level 1

  1. What’s stopping me from buying ER battery is that’s its 300 dollars lmfao
  2. I feel like 29 mph might be a lil fast so i also would have a problem. Bing like 8s3p which is like around 20 miles range but still like 24 mph. However I don’t have a problem looking into that 30q battery
  3. I def feel like we could build a batter pack that fits in size if meepo really is that inefficient with their sizing
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The esc is meant for 10s, so giving it a different voltage won’t work as it’ll break with a higher voltage, or read 0% battery on a lower voltage and not work.

What also might speak against meepo packs is the BMS. If they have a charge and discharge bms with a limit lower than what the cells can handle, you’re out of luck using it’s full potential.

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he has reached his messaging cap so has to wait till tomorrow to get to level 1 by replying in 5 topics (is that what enter means?)

otherwise @longhairedboy can you upgrade his level to level 1 like he is on the other forum? @CadenGS

Would it work if I put 6s bms on lipo, and charge it with 6s charger? Is that all that’s needed, is any component missing?
