Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

oh yeah i get it
i was thinking of getting something like this
i’ll make holes in them and put those rings in it.
do you know what those rings are called and the tools used to put them in?

Hi guys! A few days ago I got Backfire Ranger X2. It’s good, I enjoy it. But I found out that there is some weird noice coming out from the motors when I turn it on. Don’t know how to describe it and can’t record it. Is that normal? Don’t want it to blow up on me :grimacing:
Please help
Many thanks!

In this case, you have forced yourself down the “DIY enclosure” route. Which is not the end of the world.

Have a look in here

:arrow_up: DO THAT

Leave a little more space inside than you think; line the inside with foam on all sides including the top


cheers, I’ll take a look at it

I ordered that. thanks for the link.

I realistically can’t do this. I don’t have the tool, nor the space to perform such an operation. I would have to go with something less… ambitious. If you have any other suchlike guides, that would be very much appreciated

and I would need to be able to access it (to remove the batteries)

Yup should work I just found some replacement backpack straps that were highly rated on amazon and used those and this is the kit with the tool, basically grommet eyelet I think are the key terms:

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would this config of batteries be good for you?

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that’s exactly how I thought it would be arranged! @Timmy

(oh and also, it’s one of the few viable options I have) I have tested by laying the battiers in such an arrangment on the underside of the board, and it works

i might have found an electrical box with the right dimensions, you can bolt in onto a board and still open it because it has a lid.
the problem is that it’s a bit too thick, 55mm

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I’m intrigued. Very much so. But as you said, might be too thick. Unless I mount it ontop, but it feels like it would be a difficult ride then. Do you think something could be done to it to shorten the height? @Timmy

Found this black one from Henkel:


Was looking for speedrings, is this a joke or…? :joy:
Thanks though @pmg!

Once you go black…


:joy: Sorry, my confusion :joy:

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no the lid won’t fit properly
if you’re good with 3d designing you could design your own enclosure and ask someone to 3d print it for you. probably won’t be that expensive

Do you have a link to it? So that I have something to go on. I have never 3D printed anything. And I don’t know anyone with a 3D printer. I guess I could borrow the university one, but I don’t think they’d allow me for this. @Timmy

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I mean someone on the forums. Loads of people have 3d printers here. I do too but i don’t have any good filament for an enclosure

So true I have a few 6.6 plus and because flipshite likes to use the same parts again and again. Including the crappy medium current fets instead of the high current direct fets everyone else is using. More current they just add more. It’s a poor design principle. I have thermal throttling quick than my unity. Charles and Jeff are master chefs.

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