Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

the bottom one is a m5 9.4mm nut that fits in a 10mm socket wrench.

3/8" is 9.5mm? so yeah.

Metric thread.

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Are you 100% sure the larger one is actually an m5? The hole in the nylon looks too big.
Can you take a comparison photo of the thread sides?
8mm across the flats is the standard size for an m5, and 10mm is the standard for an m6.

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I’m wondering if it’s an Imperial / FUB nut.

Yes, both fit my m5 screw.


@b264 i just checked it, the one pictured is indeed a FUB nut. Found a metric nut with the same 9.4 tho

here the metric one


So the small one is FUB standard? :fearful: time to change my nuts


small silver is metric
big silver is FUB
big black is metric.

I’m looking for the big black/silver in metric m5.

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Next level confusing stuff, standard my ass. They looked the same to me :joy:


the big ones are identical apart from the thread and color.

all 3 share the same screw size m5 :smiley:

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So the FUB one can screw on the metric M5 without cross threading, now im even more confused :joy:

no, you’re making it complicated :smiley:

metric fits metric, fub fits fub.

fub and metric use the same screw thickness afaik, just the thread distance is different, that’s why i’m still saying m5 for both.

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ah finally, a language that i understand :joy: imma stick with my metric standard then

metric all the way. It’s my skateshops fault for selling FUB hardware…

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uhrr derp derp so many measurements so few numbers

my brain mushy now

but it’s okay, I don’t need to understand :tada::confetti_ball:

Don’t know where to put this, but I opened up my mboards battery and found out it’s 50% foam…


triple backtick
triple backtick

Does the motor phase wires to vesc order matter?
More specifically, if they’re wired reverse order, can that be corrected in the VESC tool or do they need to be rewired?

Yes it can be corrected in vesc tool

My own noob question:

In what way if any do motors wired to which esc side matter? Like if left motor is connected to the right esc side. Can its affect abs or doesn’t matter at all? Obviously not mixing up sensor and phase wires from each side.

Doesn’t matter. The ESC doesn’t know/care about the spatial orientation of the motors, just that both motors are not spinning at significantly different speeds (when traction control is on).


Not at all.

If it spins the wrong way, do ONE of:

  • swap any two phase wires
  • reverse the motor in software

A lot of times you get lucky.

IF you’re using sensors AND you choose the swapping wires option, THEN redo motor detection.


How do you change motor settings in vesc app?, fine tune motor settings after you already have set it up, it looks like I have to run it again like it’s the first time set up