Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Tried the good old swap to the other side?

What are the odds of this fitting a bergmeister adapter?

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Not yet. I need to desolder and repin one side

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Do you know how i can increase duty cycle before running sensor detection?

Can’t. It needs that super slow speed when you do it for foc

I believe someone had the same issue I did and changed duty cycle from something like .05 to .07 and it worked

The hall sensor part numbers would save me haha


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Yeah I’ve been inspecting after a few miles each day I’ve had a chance. Heard some cracking noise and see some movement forward and backward potentially. Add some neoprene in-between them. So just see what other options I should do.

This is gonna sound really stupid but…

I love skating and wanna keep safe so I usually just wear a standard bike helmet (which I use also for my cycling) and that gets me by

I have been reading a bit and when hearing about @bigboytoys passing away due to the lack of a helmet and made me think maybe I should invest in something a bit better (wanna spend no more then like 200)

Thing Is I don’t like full face helmets like tsg I find them heavy and clunky and just annoying so I want something like a bike helmet but which will actually protect me in case of a crash. Is there such an option?

Also the rest of my protective clothing Is a pair of cycling gloves and jeans and a coat/jumper (sweater)
For basic protective gear what is the best gonna get the gloves but is something like a lazy rolling jacket necessary?

Thanks a lot

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Safety gear is preference. Helmet probably any moto cross or mount bike helmet would help. But are you targeting a build speed of 50mph? Get a DOT rated motorcycle helmet IMO.

If I we’re aiming for those speeds I’d be shoppibg motor cycle gear.

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How fast do you plan on riding? I think the general rule of thumb is if youre staying under 20mph a half face helmet will be okay, but faster than that (25-30+)and you might full face and more body armor

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So yeah in general I am gonna be hovering 40mph hopefully I will get 50 one day but not soon

What light weight helmet preferably with no visor can you recommend?

Wanted something lighter/cooler than a standard helmet, got this and now I use it 90% of the time.
Really light, flows a ton of a air, great quick disconnect magnetic buckle.


At those speeds I hope you’ll start wearing a properly fitting motorcycle helmet that’s either dot or snell certified, in addition to full body moto gear or some lazy rolling stuff


Looks awesome but that price tag…
Bit hefty but I guess better then spending 10grand on new teeth


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Wasn’t talking that high was think 100-200
Here I can buy that for £200 though so def gonna consider

I’d say second to not cheaping out on your battery/esc, is to not cheap out on your safety gear. I got my helmet for $110 iirc, though it’s a full face motorcycle helmet with a visor


So I really don’t like visor helmets but don’t mind the mtb ones if light
The one @tipsy linked looks perfect
If there similiar options a teeny bit cheaper even better

What lazyrolling stuff do you guys advise