Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Calling expert and fellow sandwich giant @Lee_Wright


Any barrel brand you recommend? I saw trampa and it seems like they’re the only ones with barrels.

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Kaly NYC also has them. But you need a more experienced channel guy to explain the difference.

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Have I mentioned how nice it is to have you back, Bill?



Barrels > springs for sure


Can anyone with a Flipsky 190kv 6384 share the values they got for detection? I am interested in the max current the vesc detected. This might not be the best thread to ask it though.


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So my joy didn’t last long : did qsomeone figure a low tech way to get their Bergs on a trampa mini trucks ?
Like some 9.525mm-22mm bearing
or a proper 9.525mm-10mm washer to put on the axle to be able to use 10-22 bearings ?

EDIT : would some heat shrink be strong enough ?

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Would this spot welder work for doing battery packs?
I guess yes, but Im not sure if this would be a good choice.

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11000 :grinning:

Everything I hear is spotty in terms of performance and reliablilty. Maybe check out the Flipsky one. @Anubis seems to think it’s really good.


Ok, Thank you Bill :hugs:
I will watch out
Peace bro :hugs: :raised_hands: :raising_hand_man:

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I have some, but won’t be on a board for a little bit. If you still need to know in like a month, let me know lol

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I’m using mine now. Stil no issues 3 packs in :smiley:


Hello, I have $400 to replace my failing drivetrain (ESC, trucks, motors, wheels, etc) and I’m coming from 70mm hub motors and a shitty china ESC. I have a good 10s3p 30q battery pack and I’m wondering if I should go with a cheap belt drive, decent hub motors, or something else. I was looking at Meepo hub motors but I’d probably want a meepo ESC and meepo remote as the motors use a weird mr30 connector. I’d prefer larger wheels (95+mm, or AT).

I’m also fine with something used, so long as the wheels arent worn. I really don’t know what I should be going for, and I’d appreciate some recommendations.

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i’ve looked over AT hub motor kits, Meepo hubs with a meepo ESC, meepo hubs with a vesc (requires soldering which im not very good at), buying something used with belt drives.

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Okay, I bookmarked this post with a reminder in 1 month lol

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Dang now I got a timer on me, thanks for the excuse to order more parts :rofl:


lmao :rofl:

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Will hit you with some thoughts in the morning. (I’m also a moron.)