Would you recommend trying different firmware? Or will that mess things up more?
Also, how long can i continue to ride on it😋 since it still spins up after a second or two.
I mean it’s already dead, I tried flashing different firmware just to see and it did nothing at all so who knows
Well bummer
DRV error is a hardware error so changing the software won’t help. I did ask for the settings to see if maybe you were overdriving it, causing the faults — but it doesn’t look like it.
Need new or repaired hardware.
Thats what i was afraid of. Guess its back to waiting for another one
Can I use 2 different vescs in a single build
For example 4wd the front is spintend and the back is trampa?
Also same question about using 2 different gear drives with different ratios?
If I use different motor kv to create the same torque is it an issue
Looking forward to that. Just bought 2 for an awd build
Check this thread
read through it but still not quite sure what the answer is
was getting some mixed vibes in that thread
This happens when you have ‘pairing done’ set to true on the master, and then you try to forward that via can. Just set pairing done to false and you’re golden
Well, i dont have answers. That link was all I got
k thanks thats fine
any downsides and is canbus a no go between them?
if i want to buy a 1000$+ item from the US am i gonna be screwed with vat or is there anyway to get round it
1 single item? yea u pretty much screwed. if its multiple item, u might be able to get around it by asking the shipper to send it out with few packages and declair a lower value of them.
in theory could split up
if i were to declare at like 300$ whats the chances of it getting lost
packages getting lost and getting taxed on item are 2 different things, u can still get taxed if the package arrived in ur country and lost during transit. value doesn’t matter either, i’ve seen an item valued of 300k USD getting lost during transit, shit can happen, its not about how much the item cost or value at.
yeah im saying if i declare at a low value so i dont get taxed what are the chances of the packages getting lost?
is it a risk worth taking