Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

I checked, he only has bolt-on…so far only Torque Boards and Evolve has press-ons. I’m still looking though.

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Do I need to restart or is it fine?


Captain Noob reporting for duty, Sir. @Skyart

Feeling not so noobish right now. :smiley: Pulled the flipsky. Cleaned all the hot glue out which had let go of the enclosure everywhere it was used except the charge port. Chucked it in the corner and grabbed the ESCapes I have on stand by. Made a shorter 2 xt60 to 1 xt90 adapter. Added mr60’s to the ESCapes. Took care of a re-pin for the vx2 and metr so it would adapt to the ESCapes. Laid everything down with silicone and used velcro on the ESCapes plus silicone around the edges. Nothing is moving and nothing is going to rub. Period. Obviously, still need to sort the metr cable.

Feeling pretty, might go out later.


Oh, forgot the question.

Glob of silicone on top of the metr module?? Seems to be the only thing not protected from an accidental short.

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metroboard sells press-fit pulleys for trampa superstar wheels and clones. these pulleys ride on their own bearing

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I need hubs also. I damaged one of my six shooters, I’ll check Metro boards. Thx

can someone refresh me on how to <120 as I cant fine any instructions

How deep does that go into the end of the can?

If you haven’t compromised the structure of the can, I’d roll with it. Do understand that you’ve probably reduced the lifetime of at least that cell, and by extension, the entire pack. Not sure how many cells the short spanned.

If you have a spare cell and that’s the only cell that got whacked, I’d replace it.

otherwise fuck it

What stops vesctool from getting a Motor L reading during foc detection? All the other values work fine

Okay I was gonna roll with it, didn’t seem too deep though, I may or may not have shorted a few other cells attempting to fix welds.

I’m not too concerned with the lifetime unless it’s a drastic reduction, its a 5p though so lots of range = less charge cycles, and I plan on keeping the battery between 10-20%/80-90% anyway and not fully charged most the time, so hopefully that offsets whatever reduction there may have been and at least lasts me a year.

What kind of reduction in life on avg do you think the cells would experience when shorted?

Can anyone explain to me the hall table entry in FOC mode? In BLDC it makes sense to me being between 1 and 6 but where does the values for FOC come from? Why 255 and the other values?

Each number between 1 and 255 is about 1.8 degrees

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Small spark? 99.99% fine.
Wire melting short you have to pull with a fork? Throw them away and never look back

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But then one revolution would be 459 degrees

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My bad.
Basically the sensor table starts from “0”, counts every hall sensor position and middle point between 2 sensors and stops at “0”. 2 of the values should be 255 in there

Adapter was too long. Shortened it, now it was too short. I scrapped it and need a different solution…


rip :rofl:

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The orientation is correct. Assume you’ve given them a yank?


Hey guys, so I have a dickyho kit and bought the bearings for the hubs but they don’t seem to fit because the gold metal ring within the hubs block the bearings from fully fitting in. Anyone know how I get them in? Thank you!

That metal ring isn’t standard I have the same wheels bearing are snug without the ring