Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

they do, just not very easy to find.

there are probably others making them too but @IDEA is the only one i have in mind.

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i did look, obviously not hard enough. thank you.

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bonus pneummie question: do any tyres fit the Evolve hubs other than than the ones shown on their site? (guessing that Trampa’s do not, though perhaps there are others that do)

There are a good amount of mods you can print for your ender3; stuff like a holder for the scraper, this cable chain, and a side mounted spool holder

Has anyone with a tayto deck designed a deck protection puck like the boosted mini?

@taz i saw that you asked for it last year on the haunted place. Do you still happen to have the file?

The creators drive link spits out 404


I was doing my math wrong here. 30Wh/mi is like 17Wh/km.

Too fucking much :sob: 200lbs nekkid.


If I decide to go mountain board deck I’m looking at the Fluxmotion deck but their enclosure and it’s separate compartments wouldn’t work with the 12S5P 40T pack I have that is of this shape.

Does anyone know of a large open concept enclosure that could work well with the Flux motion that isn’t compartimenalized in the flexy enclosure style?

The flux motion us not a good fit for that battery, it has too much flex.

You need a stiff deck to be able to use that pack.


Would the psychotiller enclosure work with it?

And do you think it would be able to adapt it to the Flux motion deck?

The issue is not the enclosure, or the battery, or even the deck for that matter.

The Flux motion deck has flex to it, that’s why it comes with the segmented enclosure.
If you have a flexy deck, you need a flexy battery.

The battery you have is not made to flex, it is a rigid pack, and needs a rigid board that doesn’t flex.
Even if you get an open enclosure to make it fit on the Flux motion, it will not work out well.

Something like a Landyachts Evo would be better for that battery, it is a lot stiffer than the flux motion.

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I ended up getting these


I ended up using a steal wedge :smiley: and its awesome

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Got a pic?

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You might be able to adapt a Powell Peralta Tail Bone to the deck. Might not be a perfect fit, but it’ll get the job done.

Out of stock everywhere :frowning:

This was great info for me. I just checked out the Landyachts EVO and it looks very similar to the Ecomoml ET deck I have on hand and was originally considering which has been pre-drilled for the supplied enclosure made for the pack. Based on what you’ve shared and what I’ve learned of channel trucks I might as well just stick to my original plan to use the supplied double drop deck and stiff enclosure which has integrated lighting already on it and just work out some nice wide RKP or DKP trucks that can work with 6380 motors and moon gears. Will be way easier for me too.

Any wide truck suggestions? Based on how much I’ll now be saving on other components I can now afford to go really high end for trucks. Any suggestions that will work with the moon gear drives and those motors that aren’t channel trucks?

Well there’s always the good old “take a hacksaw to a plastic cutting board” to make your own, just like DIY slide pucks :rofl:

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Help me choose one:
10S4P 42V 3.5A

42V 4A

Is one really worth 20bucks more?

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