Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Smallest dual motor controller based upon the Vedder electronic speed controller aka Vesc© project?

Needs to be roughly the size of a hobbywing esc with being able to stick it to a block of metal for cooling.

Only needs 15-30ish A per motor?

MakerX mini foc seems small enough? Each one is 5cm x 5cm x 1cm, also flat surface so it’s possible to stack them

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tiny, damn. They might be smaller than the heatsink lol.

Pricier than i would’ve hoped for. For that money you could get a conflict unity jk :crazy_face:

*pricing is not bad, don’t get me wrong


sure, its about the same price as a fraudnity, but 2 mini foc are still smaller than that. also its a V6, can’t beat that part

fraudnity, i like that :smiley:

No way I’ll buy from JP

How bad are maytech antisparks ?

Let me explain, back when my unity antispark comited suicide i ordered both the maytehc and the flipsky enhanced one.
But the maytech arrived within days when the flipsky took monces.

So i hanged in the maytech one, which so fare do3s the job.
I flinally received the flipsky one but it’s significantly bigger so i’m reluctant to change it before it dies.

BUT how is it going to fail ?
I mean if it fails at startup all’ right, i can handle the frustration of wanting to pick my board and not having it ready to go.
If it’s going to commit suicide while i’m accelerating and let me without breaks on the road at 50km/h it’s an other story.


I have both installed and they’ve both run totally fine 12s limited to 50A. I’d personally choose the Flipsky one however as it’s just a little bit cheaper, has a better current rating, and I think it’s more used I believe

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Congratulations, you’ve discovered a faraday cage!

Yes. Metal boxes block radio signals.


MakerX is smallest by far

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Can someone explain to me what the different speed modes on a VX1 actually does? Does it limit current or throttle, or something else entirely?

@b264 @MysticalDork

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I haven’t used a VX1

I expect you to know everything Brian so I don’t sound any more stupid


Low: 50% throttle
Med: 70 or 75% throttle
High: 100%
No magic here. If you got 100 motor amps, you see 50 in low mode, and it will get you to top speed (or until losses equal the energy your board gives)

Also battery:
4: over 75%
3: over 50%
2: over 20%
1: over 0%
Flashing: go home

Do note that, at least i, tend to really feel that 5% difference until i’m left with 1 led. Really doesn’t help with range anxiety :frowning:


Okay good. Thanks man! I just needed some self assurance. I was pretty sure it was the throttle it was limiting :+1:


Do you know if the vx2 operates in the same way?

It kinda felt like the acceleration curve was changed more than anything


I have the vx2 and i’m using it but i did not try the speed modes at all honestly.

I did try cruise control on flats and it was nice, until i had to come out of it. You either have to start braking or accelerate over the point you set cc at, both options suck ass. On normal roads speed constantly drifts away so it’s useless.

The board battery is kind of awkward, i think it’s in 10% increments, but can’t account for sag and has a super long smoothing period. You need to sit at a stop light for over a minute to see your remote recover 3-4 bars lol. Riding under 30% battery on pneumatics, 12s4p vtc6/30q shows empty

Compared to vx1, vx2 battery lasts forever. I commute about 3h/day and it dropped 2 pixel lines in a week… one straight off the charger and one about 3 days in.

About the throttle curve… it’s kinda dead ground in the middle. I think using natural throttle expo in vesc helps, but i got used to it already.

Also, the amp value is the battery amp for ONE esc. If you see 8A on a dual it’s 16 battery amps being pulled


Thanks for the explanation!

thats quite the adventure everyday :laughing:

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Welp… 4km in the morning, full speed in about 3 minutes and a half. (Bus would take 40 minutes assuming the first bus stops, more if it has more than 7 people in it. Let’s just say 1 hour realistically)
1 more km off the train, then 1 more km each way in my break to eat, then 16 or 18km on my board along a river towards home. I arrive with 37-39v in my pack if i don’t charge at work.

Commute price? £1.70
No board commute price? £9.80


I swapped the stock VX1 battery with a 1000mah and it outlived my friend. He’s dead now but the battery works great!


Vx2 has 1200mAh battery in it btw. Git gud, put more in it