I don’t know off the top of my head, and don’t have one that’s not inside a skate, but if I had to guess…
black is ground
red is +5V
white/yellow are Tx and Rx (if it doesn’t work, swap them)
that might work?
I don’t know off the top of my head, and don’t have one that’s not inside a skate, but if I had to guess…
black is ground
red is +5V
white/yellow are Tx and Rx (if it doesn’t work, swap them)
that might work?
Cheers. If the 5v and ground are wrong will it stuff it up? I know g usually black a 5v red but not always
No guarantees; but if it was mine, I would try that without fretting. You can always wait for someone else to weigh in
Does no company offer titanium 8mm bore motor pulley? Both 12 and 15 width.
Compared to steel, they wear out, so nothing more than a gimmick
The only advantage titanium has over most steels is its weight, most steels are actually much harder than titanium and thus wear out less quick. It also doesn’t rust of course, and you can colour it through oxidizing it.
Where can I buy inserts and screws / washers to hold my enclosure on. I have several missing.
Local hardware store?
What enclosure and deck are we talking about? Most hardware stores should have various lengths m4 bolts.
For anyone interested, BKB got back to me on pin order for their Bluetooth module. It’s:
White= RX
Red= TX
Yellow= ground
Black= 3.3V
What the fuck
What the fuck
I wouldve spent a week trying to figure that out
Glad it wasn’t just me then haha.
What??? Who tf picked those colors
That pinout would actually screw over the most experienced builders because its almost standard to have red as 5v/3.3v and black as ground
how do i initiate the motor detection. i know that foc does it automatically with one click, but where do i find the option for bldc?
Any idea where to get charge port covers for an ownboard c1s?
Fells like they’re easy to get - i just can’t figure out which term to google.
Silly me…
It’s the button I labeled “2” on the image
Anyone know the size/number for the screw that attached the motor mount to the motor on the LaCroix Jaws?