Have you considered 6355 instead of 6380? That doesn’t look super strong with all that weight on it. IDK maybe
I haven’t. Just because its a mtb and these are nice and battle hardened. I was just going for strength and knew there would be plenty of room for these big boys.
There will be like 5 crossbars to stabilize it too
Im going to mock it up and see what happens.
The crossbars will help a LOT for those twisting forces.
Haha classic.
I mean…I’m not mad at this. I can’t get all 5 crossbars on bc there’s the gap the size of the orange piece but at least the motor wires arent getting crimped and i have 3 crossbars.
Funny how we both ended up posting about a Janux mount close to the same time. I fixed the videos from before as dropbox cancelled them. Basically one side mounts fine and the other one will spin as normal until it hits a certain point. From there it either wants to stop spinning or it sounds like is scraping and I stop spinning. I’m mounting with M4-8mm screws but even tried m4-6mm just to see if the screw was an issue with no luck
Please help!
Ok total noob question.
I just received the TB 6380 190kv motors and have a flipsky 6.6 dual VESC. I’ve never wires an esc to motors, anything I need to know so I don’t screw up? Do I need shrink wrap to connect the two?
Don’t let the three phase wires touch each other (while the ESC is powered up)
Also you can hand test motors
Make sure you insulate them so they don’t come disconnected or touch while under vibration
Hey sorry if I missed it somewhere, but have you contacted him through email? He replies pretty quickly and he even sent me replacement parts if I paid for shipping. Very nice bro
Will do, thankyou,
Yeah man that is funny. Hopefully someone can help.
Im really not sure the issue… The other side went on no problem. This side does not want to play nice. I might try swapping board sides to see if it helps but Im thinking it might be an internal issue on a shiny new maytech…
Edit- I believe I might have a bad new motor (Maytech 6385C2) A friend with the same mount said to add a washer between the mount and motor to see if the friction and stopping of the free spin would help at all but it didn’t. Even with the clearance of the washer, the motor will stop spinning at a certain point in the rotation. I have emailed Maytech(@Eileen) to see if they have any help to offer.
What is the wheel to motor axles length for the dickyho extended motor mounts?
Uhh, how is the latching switch supposed to be wired? Mine does not have LED’s so I thought sw+ and sw-were the leads to the switch but perhaps the Flier 300a is different. Can’t find a schematic anywhere.
I think I have it hooked up correctly. I hear a small click with power hooked up when I push button so I think it’s doing something.
Batteries directly to esc works so it’s the switch middleman that’s causing an issue.
Probably from ground to sw- for “off” and ground to sw+ for “on”?
Play with the wires, see what happens. Whatever you do don’t short ground to +12v obviously
My rear foot always gets numb after i’ve been riding for some time, any solution ?