Smart reverse is not working anymore on my ubox V2 with stock firmware. I went through the classic setup in vesctool, configured lower duty cycle and amps to tame it. Configured remote as well. Is there another setting for it because it appears to be enabled?
The options are off, current, current no reverse, current bidirectional.
When I selected bidirectional it goes max speed in reverse. Not the smart reverse where it waits 3s then goes very slowly in reverse max 3kph. That’s why I figured it supposed to be current. I don’t remember for sure but I think this was the default setting.
what version of vesctool u using?
Vesctool 3.01 could it be this newer version? When I used to set it up last year with everything working it was on my old laptop with an older version.
if u have it on the previous version, then u should have it on any later version
I typed in values of a motor that looks pretty close (from aliexpress) to the ones from the ranger x2 (which I ordered) to look for some specifications because I couldnt find any info about these motors… is that correct? and what is the erpm for? (some frequency/rpm that the vesc has to support?)
And I guess driving with less power lets say 500w instead of the rated 1000w and therefore a bit slower enhances the range slightly?
(i typed in gear ratio 1:1 because they are hub motors)
(the wh/km i still have no idea but i guess ~25wh/km may be realistic??)
I consider over 20wh/km to be a lot. Offroading is the only time I go over 22wh/km and hitting high speed is the only time I even go over 20, or if my bearings are bad. Most times I only use 12-17wh/km
I had the same issue on FW 5.3, try using 5.2 and I bet it goes away. It did for me.
I got it solved by setting absolute max higher, turning on all the “smooth voltage/slow current” settings and setting my PPM to not go over 100%
are you using the spintend remote?
I had an issue with my v1 remote where full brake only registered like mid 90%s braking and smart reverse wouldn’t trigger. I went through calibration on the remote and didn’t pull the wheel back quite all the way when calibrating. that way, when I pulled full brakes, it actually registered in vesc tool as 100% brakes and triggered smart reverse. idk if that’ll work for you, but worth a shot to check what vesc tool is registering when you pull back all the way
What is your go-to bearing lube for motor bearings?
I have tri-flow on hand - is that fine to use?
I calibrated within the remote. I know its braking because I have a brake light connected to the brake light port on the ubox.
I’m sure it is braking, but smart reverse only triggers at 100% brakes and not say 95%. when I calibrated my remote pulling the wheel as far back as it would go, I got a reading in vesc tool like this at only -96.9%:
but when I calibrated it while not pulling the wheel back quite all the way, I managed to make it go to -100%:
when I made it hit -100%, smart reverse started working
Oh! Yeah I only calibrated in the remotes calibrator. I did not check the number on vesc tool thank you for showing this. I will check now.
How do you calibrate in vesctool? I am only in UART mode for the uni remote. Do not want to switch to ppm.
I’m also using UART mode. I made it work by calibrating the remote where I didn’t pull the gear back all the way.
on my remote, the MIN value was about 1140 for vesc tool to read -100%.
Do I have to configure or click anything in vesctool or it’s just open to read the number at the bottom?
just have it open to read the number. make sure to click the RT APP button on the right so it’ll display correctly