Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

there’s a Discourse app for android. esk8n runs on Discourse

Which is just a badly implemented built-in browser inside an app. Not recommended.

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I hate stepped motor mount plates.

I wanted to run phase and sensor wires along the mount instead of sticking straight up, so I used a dremel grinding wheel. I destroyed the grinding wheel pretty fast.

Any recommendations for how to do this?

A router is your best bet. Can be incredibly dangerous tho if you’ve never used a router on aluminium before.

Screw the mount down to a timber surface through the motor mounting holes and make light passes through the alu with the router.

You may severely weaken the mount by doing this tho

Alternatively… can you not just flip the mount?


The step would interfere with the pulley alignment unless the motor shaft was long enough to accommodate an appropriate spacer before the drive pulley.

Don’t need a spacer, just a long enough shaft.

Wouldn’t the spacer help to prevent the pulley “walking” up the shaft?

I guess with proper application of a grub screw and loctits that shouldn’t happen but the spacer would make me feel better about it.

If your pulleys are walking you got problems

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Don’t rely on adhesives

638 for life yo

Bolts and circlips

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I just epoxied some motor gears onto BN M1s cause my motors didn’t have a keyway…

Grinded a flat spot til the key fit and then epoxied those fuckers to high heaven.

Time will tell if this was a bad idea :rofl:




I was on a mission and i wasn’t taking no for an answer. Its survived 10km so far :rofl:


That’s baller.


I think flipping the mounts around would work. Thank you for the idea.

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I’m way late but had this dilemma earlier today too; if you put the axle in just a bit so it’s not contacting both of the bearings but just the nearest one, you can apply a bit of force up and down and it pops out quite cleanly


Hi. Noobd question here. I have been looking at spark plugs and found this Anti spark power switch carefully made in italy by eskating. I have 4x ZIPPY Flightmax 3000mAh 5S1P 20C Lipo Pack w/XT60 | HobbyKing series & parallel. so 10S2P, right? The above anti spark says it is rated for 12S max. But, it says the amperage fuse is max 100A. If my math is correct, I would need at least 120A fuse right? Because the battery has a rated 20c current discharge, and in current I would have 6Ah (because parallel) so the current would work out to be 6x20 = 120, correct?

It also says burst 40C, which would mean I would need 240. Do I need to find a different spark plug?

eskating dot eu is the pinnacle of bad customer service in my experience.

I would recommend this method over that switch anyway, so it’s a moot point.


For aluminum, I recommend a cutting implement, rather than a grinding one, as the aluminum tends to clog the abrasive very quickly. Something like a carbide burr is probably the easiest method (and will work with your dremel).