Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Should be fine, just make sure you get the wiring order correct.

I’d say do a test crimp and a tug test to make sure the wire/crimp/crimper combo will work just in case.

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Pretty random question, a customer asked if he could use vesc and Eskate motors to power a robot, is there a way to program the vesc in vesctool, so that the controller can send a signal for left and right, basically inverting one motor at one time so the robot can pivot on itself, hopefully that makes sense

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Have fun desoldering the bms port though

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You can set up the vesc for bidirectional mode (forward and reverse) as opposed to forward and brakes that is commonly used for esk8, yes.

Then it’s just a matter of mixing the remote’s channels properly, so that, for example, forward and back on the stick makes both motors go forwards and back, and side to side on the stick makes one motor go forward (or faster) and the other go backwards (or slower). This kind of mixing is common in multirotors and fixed-wing aircraft control surfaces, so nothing groundbreaking there.

What I’m trying to say is that yes, you can use a vesc for robots, and the part your customer needs to figure out is in their remote, not in the vesc/vesc tool.

All good, this was the sensor cable.

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Hey all, I bought an aluminium box to serve as an esc box, but it arrived painted (i thought i was gonna be raw)
Will it change by a significant amount the thermal property of the box ? Is it worth to take the time to strip the paint ? It’s not that thick, was made with a spray can or a spray gun

No, not at all. In fact, bare metal is terrible at emitting infrared radiation (heat) so the paint will help the box cool itself that way. The paint is a very thin layer and won’t insulate the box to any meaningful degree if you have anything hot mounted against part of the box, perhaps adding 2°C or so at most. But that is offset by the rest of the box being better at cooling itself.

Bottom line…you don’t need to remove the paint and it might actually be better to keep it.


Amazing, thanks!

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Thank you, I wasn’t aware of this effect at all !

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Are these type of motors any good for esk8 application. Struggling to find specs but can see it’s brushless and sensored.

Those are inrunner motors, which means they spin much, much, much faster than our usual outrunner motors, so you would need a truly extreme gear ratio to make them work at all. Probably in excess of 10 or 15:1.

Not good for esk8.

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good for helicopter rotors no doubt

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Honestly they’re probably too fast for most helis too unless you have some extra gear reduction there as well. Most helis use outrunners, albeit ones a little faster than esk8.

The motors we usually use are around 150-200 kV (kV = RPM per volt). That motor is probably 4500+ kV, which means that at 12s (50.4 volts), it could hit 225,000 RPM, which would probably make it explosively disassemble itself.

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I rode them this weekend on the Hoyt UAV, and they’re very…motor-y. I’ve ridden many boards, especially at esk8con this past weekend, but the UAV had a lot of punch, even for my chunky self. It was impressive to see that they have very little magnetic flux outside of the can, which is kind of odd to see in person. I obviously have no long term use data or experience, but having ridden a board with them, they were very impressive.

But even so, I currently don’t have the kind of budget to use them. Should I have that budget for a build, I will likely use those.


Thanks for your input! The claim of lack of field outside the can intrigued me too. Good to hear that one of their many claims holds up. Hopefully all of them do.

Alright well this didnt go as expected. I was kinda hoping y’all would try to stop me from buying them.

It looks like I’ll be selling one of my boards as well as a kidney to afford them.

Related to what I was saying, we only have one example of their use being in the Hoyt purebred. With no examples across various diy applications we can’t tell yet if the motors are good or if Hoyt’s tuning and integration is making them seem good.

So I just ordered me some 9" offroad tires and tubes off aliExpress. Does anyone know about how long they will take to arrive? Looks like the status was updated to shipped today and I’m just curious how long is the usual wait.

They take about a month to get to west Canada

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It depends on what they quoted on how long it should take…?

Delivery estimate says May 2nd, I was hoping sooner than that is all.

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