Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Second or third hand info here but racerstar are the brand I’ve seen mentioned most for 5065, and there are AliExpress listings for 140kv so that’d be my starting point


cheers mate

The MOSFETs get warm which is typically where the metal is.

These have worked well for me except the sensors seem frail and they’ve sucked on HFI in my experience.


if that’s the same motors evilve used pre-Hadean then those sensor wires have the consistency of overcooked spaghetti

Yes, the Racerstar 5065 is that motor.

TPU is a pretty great material for this.

I printed this spacer with tpu and used vhb to stick it to the box. The box just straps down but including bolt holes with something like this would work great too


I love these little motors.


I have tpu filament but I’ve never used it, it looks like a good opportunity to start!

I’ll check some YouTube videos to have an idea of how the infill and wall thickness affects flexibility. With some test I can probably do something decent.


Yes thats the cool thing about TPU, you can really fine tune how squishy you want it to be. I think i did that one at 20% infill and I wouldn’t want it any squishier than that.


cc @Geo_Engineering_FTW
the 140kv ones get really fucking hot at 30 motor amps because their resistance is so high. I’d just get 200kv ones and gear down


190kv at 16s brrrrrr

That seems so little, the minimum wall thickness I ever use is 2. What layer thickness do you use for tpu?


I think i did 5 walls, 3 top/bottom layers. Pretty sure layer height was just 0.2


Thx man, ill report back on my tests. I may even upload the file if i make something that isnt shitty!


@MBS are matrix 2 top trucks reversible?
Can anyone see a problem with facing the straight logo side inward. They would fit on my deck better that way.

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Is any hall sensor connector recommend?
Ph2.0 seems not firm after my terrible soldering

I can’t see an issue apart from slightly changing your wheelbase and ride height


You can get pre-made JST connectors, single or double ended, male or female, in pretty much any type and pin count you want and rearrange the pins to fit your needs.

Other than that, anything with enough pins will work. I’ve used some nice panel-mount waterproof connectors on my ebike in the past that I liked quite a bit, I think they were called SP13?
Obviously those are much larger and more expensive than JSTs, and they won’t be fully waterproof unless they have a solid sheath to grip onto rather than individual wires.

There are also JST-SM connectors, which may be a little more forgiving because you can crimp or solder the wires to the pins before installing them in the connector housings, and the housings lock together.

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+1 on TPU printed spacer
@Oddcomo i just finished a haero build with a top mount nanuk case. Take a look at my thread and I might be able to lend some shortcuts.

It worked out exactly like i wanted. I can dig up my slicer settings if you like