Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

not as far as I can tell

Then I would ask for my money back.


on what grounds?

One could argue that Hanlon’s is an extension of Occam’s.

Often the best explanation for someone doing something bad is that they are stupid.


They have not supplied the firmware per its license terms. It’s a pirated/stolen product.


didn’t they release the source code for 5.2?

They must make any source available for any GPL binaries they release. It’s not optional, it’s legally required per the license terms.


but if the file on their site is stil hosting 5.2 then they should be fine right?

unless this new 5.2 they uploaded isn’t 5.2

This makes no mention of what their website says.

It’s irrelevant.

Ask them for the sources.

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These are questions that can be answered with the sources.

yeah but didn’t they do it for 5.2?

they haven’t released source for 5.3, sure, but they’ve been shipping VESCS with 5.2 installed and they’d have released source for that right?

they have a firmware file on their website, is that not the same one they’re shipping VESCs with? installing that FW file comes up as 5.2

I’m not trying to defend them, but if I’m going to ask for something on legal grounds I want to understand it all first

We are not MakerX.

Ask them.


ask them what?

Getting manufacturers to supply the source code is difficult. MakerX publicly said they would provide it. Give them a month and see if they actually do before going through all this. If more manufacturers step up and start providing sources, it’s better for everyone.

so I have to wait a month just to find out of I can get a refund on a vesc that may or may not be the reason I’m losing the ability to brake and having one motor act weird?


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You don’t have to do anything. If you want to pursue a refund go for it. If I was trying to figure out your issue, I would start simple and go from there. Try a different motor. Try a different ESC. Keep using the process of elimination until you figure out the actual problem.


trust me if I had spare working motors and escs I’d be changing things until it worked no questions asked, but we don’t all live in china with extra parts just down the block.

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Didn’t someone offer to two day you an ESC and a motor to test with?


yeah if I can’t get it figured out by the end of today.

the motor issues follow the motor, the braking is on the whole vesc.

I might have a spare working motor, but then my setup would be mismatched motors and from all the threads about that I’ve read it’s basically not possible to get a goot setup going with different kv/size motors

Then they can stop selling stuff for a month.

The license is crystal clear.