Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

if you do it, I think you should mount them all externally, or at least have all 4 visible.

@Arzamenable did that already :stuck_out_tongue:

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Will i fry my unity if I go 14s with it? Is there anything I can do to prevent it?

Most likely.

Don’t go 14s on a 60v controller.


I guess youre right :rofl:

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I must feast my eyes on this board :eyes:

Have fun :slight_smile:

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this may sound dumb, but i still need to confirm. what type of cell? lifepo4? liion? or some other type?

there are people who have ran 13s liion on unity, which is 54.6v full charge, cutting it super close. 14s lifepo4 is very close to 12s liion at full charge voltage (51.1v vs 50.4v), and people have been using unity on 12s liion for a long time.


I’m planning on using a liion battery, as I have to build a new one I decided to save up a little more and go 14s instead of 12s. 14s 5p P42a.

The thing is that I prefer not to change the controller as new ones are getting very expensive. And I was wondering if I could use a 14s battery with a diode to filter out high voltage spikes


I’m thinking of the same thing with my DV6 pro, I was going to go 12s but I really want to go 13s or 14s if the controller could handle it.

a ubox/stormcore is just out of my price range for a VESC and I don’t like the stormcore as it’s single MCU

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Don’t bother man, you’re asking for trouble unless you get a HV esc! Happy Christmas :christmas_tree:


Dv6 would be my perfect Vesc if it handled 14s lol. I’m thinking going ubox but the switch would be expensive, (having to also Include the 14s battery lmao)

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I know man, i just love to make my life difficult :joy::joy:. Merry Christmas!

yeah for me VESC cost is like enclosure space, I’d rather use it on more battery than anything else.

speaking of space I’m already maxed out for cells in parallel but I might be able to squeeze in another p-group in series. if I could/did/do then I would have zero room for lighting, horn, any other extras or even wire management.

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I feel like battery it’s the graphics card of a esk8, the bigger the better!

I’m designing a 21700 battery in a 18650 enclosure, so I have a good feel of what space constrains are😂

If you have very well measured wires, you don’t need to wire manage! Im going to use front and back light for sure, horn takes too much space

Wouldn’t this blow up your esc the second you hit the brakes?

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vesc is pretty dang important too, it’s like the display. if you make the wrong pairing you’re gonna have a bad time (a worse one than a good pairing of worse parts)

the motors matter a lot too. bottlenecks exist in any kind of system. the mark of a well built system is minimizing and eliminating those bottlenecks.

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I think what he probably intends to use is a capacitor to smooth the voltage, though that wouldn’t have the effect he desires (making 13s play nice with a 12s VESC).

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I don’t know lmao.

Ah, I’ve just done a mini investigation about diodes and ur probably right, but I feel like the diode would blow up first! It turns out it doesn’t filter, it just doesn’t let current flow in other direction.

I also read that a filter with capacitors can be made but I’m not sure how feasible it’s that for esk8 use