Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

personally, I feel like CF has no place on a deck.

certain truck parts and maybe motor mounts yeah, but not on the deck. too many downsides.

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For your average normal wood deck, the pcb antenna is fine. If you have some wonky blocking signal deck or enclosure you could go with the big antenna and mount it through the enclosure

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Get the CANBUS version, PCB antenna

edit: Keep carbon off your deck and enclosure

Carbon fiber is bad, use glass fiber instead

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Couldn’t I trace the enclosure and have where the enclosure is without cf, everything else it’ll have cf? Already got it and just need it to strengthen the deck, there’ll be foam covering the top where it connects to the board as well

I just found these. Curious what our experts think - could something like that be useful for esk8s?

Looks like it locks the rotation.

No I would never want brakes like that on my esk8.

I’m trying to stain my Deemonseed, but the second coat doesn’t look any different than the first, and neither is close to the label color, suggestions?

It’s minwax polystain polyurethane, sanded up to 320 to prime it, and went at it with 0000 steel wool before the second coat, wiped off the excess and gave it a day to dry

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I’ve got a noob question about VESC Tool.

I’m using the most recent version of VESC Tool and can not for the life of me figure out how to set master and slave VESCs.

I see the master and slave options on YouTube videos and other documentation on the interwebs.

I do the same thing and get no master slave option. It just continues the input setup wizard. My setup is also on FW 5.2, if that matters.

Had almost no troubles setting up my two Xeniths in FOC with the Xenith Easy UI. Now VESC Tool is confusing me :joy:

I’ve only mounted 2 under-slung enclosures before and I messed up both lol. I’ve done some reading, and wondered if anyone else had tips to make sure I don’t mess my next one up as well.

I plan on placing painters tape along where the holes will go, then mark them with a sharpie, then something pointy to mark the enclosure itself, then clamp the edges of the enclosure (I regretfully clamped the top one time) and then drill pilot holes, then the final sized hole. My gasket will also be attached when I drill, and I plan on using threaded inserts. Am I missing anything?

Ditch the gasket and use butyl tape when you install it

I was going to go down that route but I have to double check my battery pack-to-deck clearance to make sure I have room. My last build had me install a half inch thick solid rubber spacer to fit my battery lol

the master VESC is the one you’re plugged into, the slave is the one you’re not plugged into, but is plugged in with a CANBUS link.

I get that. But don’t I need to physically set the master and slave within VESC Tool? As depicted in the picture in my last post.

master is the one you’ll wannt to have the receiver connected to

does it matter? with UART recievers I just set the mode on the VESC it’s plugged into to UART and have no issues. set the other one to No App unless I’m using a metr, then set it to UART.

Well it appears I’m too fixated on the VESC Tool to let me tell it which one is master. The shit just works now lol.

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Red or blue loctite for fixed axles?

Got impatient, red and a cordless impact :grin:

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higher number better. stronger loctite better.

I’d go red.

red make ting go FASTAAAA

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