Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

u don’t need to, vesctool app can show real time data, interface is kinda crap, but at least its usable


Granted he has a standard BLE module.

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Isn’t that is what a BMS is for? I’m using the Xiaoxiang app via Bluetooth. Shows how much battery I got / has alarms if it hits a certain voltage and cuts off so it doesn’t damage the batteries. Looks pretty cool once it’s all set up

uhh…i thought he does? too many post at once is throw me off bearing

That’s solely for the battery. The devices we are talking about are for the vesc itself. But good to know that you’re familiar with something like this.

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Think I saw one for 26$ or something I don’t remember

a BT BMS only monitors your battery, it has no idea what’s happening on the other side. the VESC is just as crucial of a component and does far more when it comes to riding your board. BMS telemetry is great for knowing the health of your battery but VESC telemetry is needed if you want to see how the rest of your system is doing (without opening it up and plugging it in)

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Oh ok, you get an app for the module and you can see what’s going on real time

yes. and arguably, the VESC telemetry is more important and useful than BMS telemetry.

as long as you treat your battery nicely (don’t over-discharge or over-charge it) you should never have to worry about what the BMS data is.

every time you change a setting that affects your riding, or change a component, VESC telemetry will be useful. it’s also important if you have a breakdown on the road or need to change a setting on the fly.

some telemetry can provide ride logs, so you can see if you have issues on hills for example, and what those issues are

C as a unit means h-1 or “per hour” in much the same way Hertz means “per second”

Hz = s-1
C = h-1

Beware though, lipo manufacturers are known to grossly exaggerate these ratings in the push for more sales.

So if you have a 25C battery that’s 4 amp hours then to get current

I = 4Ah * 25C = 4Ah · 25h-1 = 4 · 25 Ah·h-1 = 100 A

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Don’t get intimidated by what you see on my video. It’s cluttered with all the infos i want, it will not look like this for you or others.

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That’s why I decreased it to 115a or lower if needed

How much is the metr? That has me interested, looks like everything you need is right there

Which one do I even choose?

I just gotta chime in with my own metr video (ignore the faults)
I fucking love this thing, it’s so customizable.

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Just get

I hope it works for apple as well. If not that whole situation is shut down for me :sweat_smile:

I wouldn’t exceed 75A motor max, 20 - 25A battery max on that for best results

20A batt max will give better results than 25A battery max


Don’t buy toy computers LOL