Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

I can walk you through things assuming all your parts are working and hooked up properly

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Don’t use the ground to support your weight. Balance on your front foot and just use your back foot to create drag. At any time you should be able to pick up your back foot and keep going forward again, I suspect this may not be the case for your method.

First practice just balancing on your front foot while going really slow.


This is the best advice.

And once you have the balance down, practice slowly squatting on just that front leg


Yea, I got the motor to spin and everything. I got some settings I know for sure are right, some I’m not sure on. Don’t want to make the wrong mistake and it fucks up mid ride. You know how to do the Xiaoxang app? (For the BMS) some things I need assistance on as well

you can set your cell voltage a little lower if you want more range, as low as 3.2V per cell should be fine.

The batteries I’m using is lipos in series. Recommended to stop above 3.6v so it doesn’t mess up the cells down the line, making it hard to recover when charging. Stopping at 3.7 (37.10) is the sweet spot so it rounds around 3.6 on the dot

ahh my bad, I assumed you were using Li-Ion cells

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It’s all good. For now I’m using Lipos, down the road I’ll switch to Li -lon for V.2 of the build

did you make sure your battery maximum amps and low voltage cutoff are also set correctly in VESCtool?

I have low voltage cutoff on the BMS app as well. I set the cutoff on the VESC. Not sure if I did the maximum amps. It would be 42 right for the maximum amps, just making sure till I check it later today

what’s your battery specs? of the entire pack (or if parallel, combination of all packs)

Have two 5s, 4500mAh lipo batteries in series, discharge rate is 30c (not good with C ratings)

Specs below:

I’m no good with C ratings either, do you know the amp rating for the pack? (CDR, not peak)

For the continuous discharge?


CDR means:

C ontinuous
D ischarge
R ate

Had to look up how to calculate C rating to amps. I would have a discharge rate of 135A continuous

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oh wow, so yeah set your max amps to like 100 or 120 and you’ll be fine. you could get more power from 165A but your batteries will sag less and you’ll get more range if you limit it

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Have you checked what vesc he is using?


Definitely will go with a lower amount. 120 or in between. 115. Would I need to convert that to mA for the BMS app?

Flipsky 4.12

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