Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

First time it got me

Second time I got it


I don’t think so. Pretty much every motor I’ve ever owned has a bit of play, Usually the c clip wont stay all the way down, so it has a tiny bit of movement.

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Does anyone know a shop in europe that sells these x plates to mount your truck with?
You know, the ones that replace individual axle mount bolts.

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Perfect, thanks guys!


That rehostatic brake thing gives me so many ideas! Living on top of a hill I guess I sorta HAVE to keep something like this in mind…

How about a servo that pushes the plunger of a hydraulic disc brake or pulls the cord of an mechanical one? (I am using a single scooter wheel at the rear, that’s why I can consider that in the first place)

Apparently Magura sells something like that…

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I want full control over my vehicle — a vehicle deciding to engage a brake on its own because of a measurement (besides human interface device) sounds like a new way to die.

But yes, the battery full problem is very, very real for me as well.

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This is exactly why I’ll never buy a OneWheel or EUC. Perfectly illustrated.

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Well, I mean… It’s not like you DIRECTLY control braking via EBS either. Also, I am talking about the rear wheel. Even in that locks up, it’s far from a death sentence. Front wheels locking up - I am 100% with you lol.
The thing is: mechanical rear wheel brakes (even without servo control) are basically non existant for esk8s.

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Because the motors are in the way :crazy_face:

Find a way to put the brake on the motor can.

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One could have a disc brake attached to the wheel pulley.

This would work better on AT boards.

Have the pads for the disc attached to the motor mount.

Custom motor mount would be needed.

Seems like it would fit better attached to the propeller mounts — these four threaded holes that are on the front of many models of motor cans:

Wheel pulleys are already large and adding something larger to them is not ideal. Motor pulley would be a better option. Or a strap drum brake around the can.

This got me thinking, what about brakes that pinch the belt? Would only work on belt drives but it’s an idea. The mechanism could exist on the mount between the motor and wheel pulleys.

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You could literally just step on a button going through the deck that pulls on a stainless strap wrapped around the motor can.

I think that would destroy your belt in short order. Rubber is a lot less durable than cast iron brake rotors.

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use the motor can as a brake rotor?


A friend of mine is building an mtb based on meepo stuff, gears 15/75 wheel 20cm,
The remote has a small display but I can’t get it to display a realistic speed: there’s only one setting and I don’t get what it’s supposed to be set to :

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If you turn the number down, does the displayed vehicle speed get closer to, or further away from, the correct speed?