Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Thermal paste or pads. Then screws.

I just use my noctua thermal paste as it’s good stuff, but esk8 builds heat fairly slowly in comparison to computers, so pads suffice.


I’m assuming you mean connecting a bigger heatsink to a small builtin one.

You can bolt them together dry or use a tiny bit of thermal paste but it’s not the biggest deal since you’re not connecting directly to the FETs themselves.

If you are connecting directly to the FETs you definitely need a thermal pad or thermal paste.

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I am putting this:

onto this:

you mean this purple xenith? :wink:

i got M1ATs on mine

i’m assuming moon and any other drivetrain that can fit 22x22mm works


Yeah im goin m1at as well.

And no, this one. Lol.

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You can just bolt that on dry.

You can also use a dot of thermal paste but it’s not needed.

It can help slightly. I wouldn’t cover the whole thing in thermal paste edge to edge. That stuff is messy.

I can’t seem to use the BBelt calculator

Filled everything in yet it only gives me the speed ratio. What am I missing?

Also ran into that problem yesterday, still haven’t found a solution

I put the Evolve 150mm tires on my Superstars…now they are very stuck and I need to take them appart, suggestions?

So I take carpenter clamps and just work my way around the hub pushing the tire to center until it comes off.


Carpenter clamps are the 2 wood blocks with 2 screws right?

I use this style but anything of the like will work.


I just got some BN adjustable baseplates and I’m trying to install TB direct drive hangers onto them. I can’t get the kingpin to center inside the bushing seats. I’ve tried both the TBDD pivot cups and the ones that came with the baseplates with no success. Is there a way I can fix this, possibly with a different pivot cup?

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Sometimes the riptide pivot cups can be hard to press down into, are you certain they’re pushed in all the way?

I put my full weight on it and had one of my friends try, so I think it’s as pushed in as it’s gonna get…

I’d just assemble it as-is and carry a skate tool on you. it’ll work it’s way into place after a ride or two and you’ll just tighten down the kingpin as it settles.


Hm… Well I guess they weren’t designed to go together haha

Smaller pivot cup is not going to be an optimal experience

where is the hd60t
it just vanished



looks like i have one of the unobtainium with me

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same. I was looking to trade a working one and one with blown DRV and fets for a ubox, but now I’ll be taking 2 uboxes /s

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