Noob question thread! 2020_Summer


I have a 72v battery, with the Vesc Tool + Flipsky 75100 can i lower
the voltage to use a Flipsky 6384 190kv 48v motor, if yes how to ?

Thank you.

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You can run a “48v” motor at 72v. It will just spin faster. You don’t need to do anything in the VESC tool for it to work.

Okay, Thanks !

Thanks, thats a good idea. It definitely doesnt inspire confidence on the bench lol.

Thank you, i feel a lot better. I was concerned i had damaged my bms somehow.

can I run an active balance board in parallel with a smart BMS? with the B+ wires and B- in the same spots of course. Would the active balancing mess with the xiaoxiang/LLT?

Hi, I’ve got a wiggle on my gear drive axle mount where it seems like either the mount to my matrix 2s have huge tolerances or maybe I have a slight bend in my axle? (Matrix 2, moon drives) Can someone let me know what I could do to at least make sure it’s tight on the axle.

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@moon :arrow_up:

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The clamp is usually tight on the Matrix hangers. Are you able to check the fitment of the clamp on a another hanger? Has the gear drive been used?


Definitely a noob question but with increasing the cell count on a board that’s already configured for 12s do I have to reconfigure any settings besides upping the Battery Cells Series to the correct amount?

You’ll also have to change the low voltage cutoffs as well. I think that’s it however

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u would probably need a new bms and charger to start with

Seems like theyre too tight to get on the front trucks?The mounts themselves are brand new and the other mount seems to fit fine on either side, but I’ve been using the mountain board and the gear drives for a while.

Could I have ruined the mount somehow? Because it doesn’t make sense that it won’t even fit on the front trucks but it’s loose on the rear trucks yet the other mount is perfectly fine.

I’m using lipos so it’s all good

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Hey yall, I stumbled upon the Boardnamics website… Intrigued by their m1 helical gear drive. But, just wondering in general what the current overall consensus on helical drives vs belts vs sealed belts. I ride street so belts are pretty good for me, but curious about upgrading to gears for increased torque/acceleration. the sound might be a deal braker though cause my belts are practically silent. just wondering what you guys would do if you could start a street set up from scratch with all the latest equipment available


Gears all day. Such good freeroll and such efficient power transmission. I go for straight cut as I don’t care about the noise and they’re easier to get replaced and service.

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Nice. what gear drives do you have? whats the word on boardnamics helicals? seem like the cheapest setup

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Boardnamics straight cut. Go for helical if you’re ok with sacrificing efficiency for noise reduction.

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less efficiency with helicals vs straight… really? Never heard that before

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