There’s GREEN LIGHTS? Ok i’m gonna buy em
Sorry to dissapoint guys those lights are the charge lights. Red is charging and green is full charge. They only sell red and white lights.
Did you pre-ordered them? I’m eagerly waiting on mines
Yea I preordered on day one. I got the night ops package.
I should put reflective tape on my motors lol
@Battosaii I feel you get a nick in that tape and the distorted reflections of light will start hitting drivers in the eyes
So what your experience have been with them guys? From videos these seem to be more like torch lights with fairly focused beem, that an actual headlamp?
Lights work awesome way better than my old shred light and the battery last a very long time.
I’ve never lost a v1 shredlight but somehow over the course of 2 days both v2 rear ones fell off. One was lost so I ordered a single replacement, the other one fell off today and got crushed by a car… I just emailed support to see what they will do about it because I really don’t want to have to pay for another light after I purposefully checked the mount before the ride and it still came off.
I have faith in the their CS so hopefully they will help out!
EDIT: The actual lights themselves are a great upgrade over the originals and I like them a lot but that doesn’t mean anything if they won’t stay on under heavy vibrations.
EDIT 2: They said they would send a replacement out tomorrow! CS is top notch. They said they are also looking into potential issues with the current mounting system so it’s nice to be validated that I’m (hopefully) not doing something wrong.
Strange I havnt had one fall yet I even try to force them off and they wont budge unless I pull on the release tab.
Do you have them on right?
The lights go on the side of the light bracket that faces up if you put it on the downward flat part it gives the light too much wiggle room. The raised metal keeps it all centered.
I had them installed like the first picture and how the official installation video has them. Cool to know that they can even be installed that second way, albeit incorrectly.
Shredlights asked me a few question about the circumstance of the light falling off and let me know that they are prototyping new S-lock systems to see if there is a flaw in their design. Good to know a company is willing to invest in solutions. They also opened the email with “We are sending a replacement tomorrow.” Excellent, speedy service.
Yeah agreed. They are top notch with service. My old ones were replaced as soon as I reported them being faulty.
We need more posts praising companies to balance out the negatives.
I’ve always had excellent experience with their customer service. I once had an issue with a v1 red light and I emailed support and with out question they sent me a new one. They didnt even ask my order number or address I guess they knew from the email.
I thought this was funny. I received my replacement shredlights and the broken one hasn’t stopped flashing yet (stuck on after being run over). Goes to show how good the battery life and service is!
Thanks shredlights!
That’s for the old shredlights
They seriously need to stop rushing their 3D prints. From their ad pictures they can totally make a better print, but in looks like they are delivering instant noodle prints.