A while back we organized a group by with ShredLights to spark interest in the diy esk8 community - I wonder if they would be willing to offer us DIYers a group buy on the new model. Who knows Eric the best? @longhairedboy @mmaner @Sender
I don’t know him. I’m happy to make contact though.
I just ordered the Night ops package I will need.more lights for my other boards later so I’m still down for a group buy.
Btw if you guys want an extra 10% off use the code
I ordered myself a set. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to mount these on an Evo without them pointing into the sky on the front and ground in the back.
I have the same problem and I talked to the guys at shred lights about possibly making a bracket with adjustable angle but that may make the mount more susceptible to vibration damage.
I think a better option would be to use longer truck screws and use washers to wedge only the bracket so that it points straight not up.
I will be trying this with the new lights I’ll post pics once I do it .
EDIT: NO on group buy per Eric. Current presale 20% off plus 10% discount code is the best we have at the moment.
I’ve ridden and spoken to Eric a few times, I can reach out and see if a group buy is possible. I can handle the US shipping on my end in hopes of more savings from them but I don’t know how much shipping would be from me to each of you depending on order and box size needed?
NO GO on a group buy
The current 20% pre-order plus various 10% is the best Eric is willing to do at the moment. Potential future group buy after there’s stock could be 25% but that’s not for sure.
Bite the bullet if you really want these.
idk…we might owe Eric MORE
2 weekends?
Using Adam’s 10% off…Joe(SoCal Legend) gets enough perks as it is…and he’s forever an Evolve guy so there’s that.
Does anyone upgrading have a SINGLE old RED shredlight they wanna sell me for cheap? I lost one of mine a while back and they were out of stock for a while (guess they stopped making them).
I’m down. You will all owe him money and never get Shred Lights if this happens though.
Oof thanks for saying something. That’s enough reason for me to find some other discount code.
Order placed fot 2 sets front and rear.
Thanks guys for sharing the discount code
Hey, this could be a very good idea, thanks Kelly !
Do you mean the PVC inside the silicon cover ?
No, just as a case for your lights project.
It has been done problem is most all of the lights that you can put on a picatinny will fail fairly quickly vibrations on a board are intense and those type of lights always fail. If you want to use a good quality light sure use one but dont mount it to your board.
Green? Noice