I purchased two carbon supers about 3 months ago. Right away there were issues with the remotes. They sent out new remotes and receivers after about a month of trying to email them.
The board was in MINT condition. I swapped the remote, calibrated it, and as soon as I touched the thumbwheel it goes full throttle, throwing my friend off the board, and hit the side of a building at an angle. The board flew about 10 feet into the air, flipped and landed on the deck in the driveway. It then sat there with the wheels spinning at full throttle until I could get the board shut off. Thankfully nobody was hurt. Also the handle, guards, and shredlight mounts were installed otherwise it would’ve been totaled.
So now, once again my brand new board is out of commission and seriously damaged. I contacted eovan with video proof and explained everything. Guess what their response was? Not a single word. They instead decide to email me a video on how to calibrate the remote! I expressed my frustration and today they responded “Yes, I have read your message. But according to your video, the problem is that the center of the remote control is not right. Or could you tell me what is the problem you are trying to solve now? Is it the remote control or the board?”
Seriously? They’re trying to say that the thumbwheel wasn’t centered? That’s clearly not the case from the video. But it was a brand new remote.
This was a huge purchase for my girlfriend and I. And in the 3 months that we’ve owned them, we got about 50 miles in. Now we have $3000 paperweights. I’m astonished at how they’re handling this. When I was ready to spend money they were so helpful and responsive. As soon as I got the boards. Crickets.
I know many others are very happy with their boards. Maybe I’m just unlucky.
I just want to add that this is still a really nice board. It handled that wreck like a champl. The little time I had with it was incredible and I absolutely loved this board. I am appalled by their customer service. I would still ride it. But with a different controller and remote.
I went into your Google Drive to check the videos - HOLY HELL that truck is completely smashed!
I had a “very bad accident” with my Apex board yesterday where I went downhill on a red MTB track and hit a little tree stump head-on with about 25 - 30km/hr. I literally made a flip in the air and landed with the board on my feet in front of me (no damage on me at all, I had full protection on). I was 100% sure I was going to get new trucks… To my surprise the Apex bash guard (the front protectors) took 100% of the fall. And they look almost brand new. (EDIT: They look pretty new lol )
Downhill with 25 - 30km/hr. I’m genuinely IMPRESSED.
Of course it is another price difference, but when you have paid so much for your board and even the truck got completely messed up by a phantom bail, I must admit it doesn’t really scream of quality
I really hope you’ll be able to refund the board. That remote/ESC or whatever is causing your issues is obviously not normal when it can make the wheels spin like that.
Im still surprised how much damage that phantom bail has caused your board
At least your other damages seem to be cosmetic. Battle scars, my man!
Glad you’re okay, that sounds gnarly. Bash guard definitely did it’s job!
I totally agree man. I’m just salty that it got scarred before I even got to break it in.
It’s working fine now with the original remote. But this one loses connection often (which is why they replaced it).
I’m thinking about putting one of these in it with a vx2 that I’m not using. But after being on this forum for a few days I just want to sell it and put the money into a diy. I don’t think I’ll be buying any more chinese complete boards.
They changed it with the carbon super. Now the calibration is done through the remote settings. And the vesc is filled with silicone with no port. I’ve heard of people soldering connections to get into it but I’d rather just put a reliable controller in it.
I’d say if you don’t want the hassle to remove the silicone and potentially solder some wires just order a reliable dual controller and be done with it. Xenith, Stormcore, Trampa HD60 and MakerX are the best ones I can list from the top of my head. MakerX V4 and the HD60 are the smallest if you have space contraints.
For remotes, there are a lot of people who swear by the FlipSky VX1 Pro, but a Puck from Hoyt would be a top reliable choice too. Personally I use a Trampa Wand without issues so far, but there are some people out there who claim that it has “some” reliability issues (none that I can confirm though).
The VX2 you mentioned on the other hand is a complete crapshoot and I wouldn’t trust that thing at all. Every other day there pops up another thread or complaint about connection issues with those things. Absolute shitshow.
Eovan boards are really solid otherwise, and you will save a lot of money if you don’t start building from the ground up. Trust me, It only gets more expensive from here on out.
A flipsky vecs is what will fit in their I have a gts carbin deck if you need it also. You would have to change the motors. flipsky motors will fit those motors mounts also
UPDATE: The same thing happened again today with a different remote! They convinced me that it was a calibration issue even though I knew for a fact that I calibrated it correctly. Now I’m 100% sure it’s not the remote that caused the issue.
Also, after weeks of emailing them I finally got the package. And despite agreeing to replace the damaged parts, they only sent motor guards and a handle.
I’m not sure what to do at this point, and I have no faith that they will do the right thing.
400KM in, esc shit itself during a ride and is now dead. I snipped the motors free to solder 4mm bullets and recrimp the hall sensor. Ended up buying the wrong size pitch … (2.54mm instead of 2mm )
Trying to sell the board in parts but im getting absolute peanuts for it all so, Im tempting to put my P42A pack in along with a stormcore if i can get the existing motors wired up.
Also im not sure if the 60d will fit. Its 23.65mm thick, i have 22.6mm total depth to work with inside the enclosure. It may work since i have to completely refit it with a heatsink attached maybe i can drop it down a few mm.
that is such shit customer service. Maybe pursue a chargeback via your cc company, if you used a cc for purchase. I think you have enough evidence to justify the chargeback.
pretty funny request. you got a better chance of baking a cake in a dishwasher. these guys won’t even respond to emails, provide the necessary cable, and removed the micro USB ports on their 2nd version of the board.
You might have better luck over in the esk8 subreddit as prebuilts are the majority (or were haven’t been there in forever) over there and you’re more likely to find someone who wants to buy replacement parts for their board.