ok so I found reviews on this forum about parts so here it all goes.
the board is a deathtoll board from tomiboi with the carbon fiber base layer and an unsegmented double stack enclosure.
keeping with the og noob thread list: I have decided to go with a 18s4p battery pack, I will be explaining why once I have ordered it.
the esc was the hardest part to find, that will give me the speed i need. which is a Maker-x D100 for headroom for spikes and plenty of it.
Atlas trucks, 15/66=4.4 gear ratio pullies and a pair of 140kv motors. I haven’t decided on mounts.
All terrain 110mm pneumatic wheels.
Open to suggestions for controller
ordering straps on amazon later. I’m getting a pretty colour deck so I’m not putting grip tape on it.
You’re gonna want some real straps from mbs if you are gonna be going faster than 30mph imo, they aint cheap, but lightyears better in terms of feel and comfortability
I would also think about this, Even with straps, you want at least something with grip so your feet don’t slide out of bindings
Which ones?
SKP Solo is what I run, More than enough power, more than enough speed
Get reacher motors, not flipsky. It’s worth the extra. They aren’t even that much more expensive nowadays
You mean exway atlas? Definitely avoid double kingpin, at your weight you should be looking for beefy high quality trucks. My vote goes to Tito Duality trucks. They aren’t cheap, but you get a truck which rides great and is very robust.
Even MBS can snap sometimes, I snapped it 4 times so far. And it’s the best binding by far unless you are ready to venture into snowboard stuff. Don’t get anything else than MBS F5.
All my boards use a Hoyt puck. Very reliable if you don’t drop it, and tons of different shells available to download and print.
You definitely want something grippy on the deck.
If you’re willing to put in some effort, Glass frit might be a good option. Check out @SquishyCat ‘s Nyan Cat build
if you can manage to fit everything in a single stack, even if you need to add a 1/4in gasket or something, i’d do it. the double stack robs you of a lot of ground clearance, especially since you’re doing smol wheels.
i’d go with a solo personally, it’s bigger than a d100 but it has plenty of power and has been very reliable for me. the v2 solos should also hopefully be ready soon, i’ve heard testing has been going good.
tomiboi toe-clips or mbs f5 bindings is what i’d recommend.
If i may offer some advice, i would go with 18s5p, in the deathtoll, it will make really good use of the space in your encloaure, or atleast the way we make that battery it will.
18s4p will leave ALOT of unused encloaure space,
this is why originally I had planned to get everything together, measure it all and get an enclosure that fits but I was told theres an order i should do it.
this is the reason for smol wheels, may adjust to bigger wheels if you guys say is necessary.
I am trying for torque more than anything as where i live there are a lot of hills and underpasses and a few bridges between hills I’m gunna get some pictures… well that was a mistake, photos make the place look like the backrooms.
So my first plan was a 14s8p from mboards then i found your site here and the huge array of batteries you make and went up to 16s8p. then I found that i was limiting my options with a 75v esc and went up to the D100 and a 18s4p but I could add cells. also planning on getting the 6495 skp in145kv and battery charger from you too.
actually could save money here because i do have some snowboarding gear just take one of the binders off my board and use that. TSA was my favorite shop as a teen. I want to take snowboarding back up at some point.
Ah I didn’t mention the snowboard stuff as if it’s a good idea. You need some beefy boots for it to work, probably a motorcycle boot would be your best bet there… You are probably much better off using the F5s because you can use normal shoes with it. Also just because a binding is a snowboard doesn’t mean you won’t snap it.
this is what an 18s7p looks like in the double stack enclosure. there’s still a lot of unused space on the top but the length and width are pretty close to maxed. my esc is top mounted because of it.
my point being if you’re gonna go with the double stack enclosure, might as well get a slightly bigger battery and make use of all that space
i cut some rubber to add the extra space needed to use the single stack enclosure and get rid of that extra space so the board could be as low as possible.
For a single stack enclosure if you do not use a rubber riser like Ash did you can do 16s8p and I think 18s6p with 18650 cells I will double check this on Monday. A lot of this depends on your build goals, what you plan to use the board for and such.