Mountainboard Build | E-Toxx Helical Direct Drive | 6374 BioBoards | VESC6

Neat work! Wonder if this enclosure could ever be made water resistant to an extent that one could ride in the rain with it exposed?

The problem areas being the trigger, on/off, and charge port.

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I’ve recently started using the GT2b, I don’t know how could I use my modded Wii Nunchuck for so long, the amount of control you have due to the long travel is mind blowing, that and the reliability of the connection


I didn’t started with a Wii nunchuk. I went straight for the GT2B. And it does his job.


@Pedrodemio / @Mainflow

Good to hear that - can’t wait to go for the first test ride.

How long have you been using it ? The Throttle Potentiometer looks a bit shady (quality wise) so not sure how long this one will last.


Agree with the above, it’s a great remote, not one problem with mine so far. Great control and with the ChoZen mod, great ergonomics.


Gt2b is amazing :slight_smile: as @Pedrodemio mentioned…the travel distance of the trigger is perfect for exact acceleration and breaking.

Upgraded mine with magnetic USB ports for easy charging.


I use it since my 1st esk8, and still using it on all my build ! :+1:


Me too, recently bought a second one for my other build since its low cost and value. I would like to try the trampa wand someday though :thinking:

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Gt2b fanboy here as well.
For my quad i like the remote how it comes. Yes big, but super comfortable in the hand.
For the other board I like the okp sparkle mod. Easy to do. Did upgrade that one with wireless charge pad which is nice and cheap as well.


So had my first testride with the GT2B

Everything was fine but later when riding i noticed a stuttering on my VESC at around 60-70% throttle… I never had this on my maytech remote.

I recorded it with metr app - it is here around the last 3-5 minutes or so of the recording

Any ideas ?

Other than that - it was a nice ride…


Overheated or saturated motors? They were over 100C at some point.

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Well it’s possible because I added motor protection covers (which are very needed at the mountain trails)
I thought below 110C shouldn’t affect the performance… maybe I was wrong?

No idea. It depends on the magnets the motor has among other things.
I never run my sealed maytech this hot though.
The vesc starts throttling them at less than 85C.

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Yeah 85 is the limit, you might want to think of a cover that attaches elsewhere and allows those motors to breath?

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Good to know… ok I might have to redesign the covers then :frowning:

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Trying this new design… if this still gets too hot I have to think of an overall solution to protect the bottom and keep the motor without covers.

Ok screw that…

I will go for this solution

I will try to make a black cover for the top so that it will look nicer


Covers fitted


Just to let you know, the motors will get hot even like that.
This has always been my problem, overheating motors no matter what I do.

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Well now with the motor covers removed I and the bottom protection I think it should be fine… i never had any issues before I put on the PLA Covers.

But let’s find out with todays testride :slight_smile:

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