Need some MoonBS hangers so we can put an end to all complicated installs
Need some MoonBS hangers so we can put an end to all complicated installs
Installing seems pretty straight forward. Make it any easier and you’ll kill the fun out of diy haha
You’re right.
It seems like these magnets are being held in place by the holly spirits
No a single drop of epoxy can be spotted there lol
@rusins nice find and really low kv. Should be great and run cooler than an outrunner and therefore generally more power for its size. Wonder if it really is that low kv being an inrunner
There’s probably very thin glue in that last motor holding the magnets think I see a glimmer of glue in the bottom. @CiscoV
Thanks for your input! Unfortunately; I need a motor I could replace the shaft in, and inrunners have special shafts with the magnets attached, so I’m afraid it won’t work for my purpose. I guess I’ll just go with a Maytech 6396 instead.
It’s flipsky, what did you expect?
‘It’ll work, just not for long’ seems to be a general description of their products
It’s fixed now They should last a little longer now
Work in process. As an right now it seems like my 3yr old is doing the master work
Cleaning motors
Maybe after you’re done with them lmao
Not everyone rides through brine and post-apocalyptic conditions
Pretty soon, everyone rides in post-apocalyptic conditions
Until there is a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 I can’t imagine things going back to normal any time soon.
But really that’s not very bad for motors. The things worst for motors are brine and metallic dust.
Where does this mostly come from?
Belts? Improperly alligned drivetrain/pulley?
Asking to (hopefully) avoid it myself
Comes from the road mostly, unless something is seriously wrong with your drivetrain. Esk8 should not be shitting metal dust. Cars, on the other hand, shed that shit like my roommate sheds dandruff.
Brake pads on disc brakes, mostly on automobiles. Friction braking.
You can buy 63100 at Aliexpress sensored…
I’ve come full-circle from wondering why all motors didn’t have sensors and refusing to consider sensorless ones — to now wondering why they have sensors at all because it just adds weight & complexity and raises the failure rate and cost.
First thing I do now when installing a motor is clip the sensor wires off it.
The final nail in the sensor coffin is when the HFI firmware debuted… but even before that I was running sensorless BLDC on Ackmaniac 3.103