Modifying prebuilt junk, in stages, to be less junk like.

Farkin Ell.
Coulda swore the Puaida esc & remote were Hobbywing, not Lingyitech.

Nothing obvious at issue here.

But I know nothing, other than hall effect, not potentiometer.

opening enclosure…

If it beeps on startup, it’s lingyi

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It seemed to have the same exact housing as ESCs on hobbywing’s site.

Wrong assumption on my phart
She beeps. They’ve all beeped. Aladdin too.

I found some dust sand, and what might be a few drips dried moisture on the bottom of the deck.

The antenna, I just used blue masking tape to hold it to enclosure.
Perhaps it once got wet.

I’ve not yet sealed it as well as i intend, as i expect to keep opening it over and over.
Entry point being wire entry.

But power button does not look very IP68 to me.
And I had to ride in rain 10 days ago.

Am switching it out with one from my un used ebay lingyi nuclear cockroach.

The Old one’s solder joints and adjacent wires look fine.

Any reason to not resolder wires at near 90?

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I used a single paracord strand to secure singlestack flatpack battery to enclosure interior.

It failed, and allowed the G10 cell sandwich, with rounded and kaptoned
lower corners to Chafe through heatshrink and cushioning foam, so g10 corners was rubbing enclosure interior.

Cell edges tucked in, so no direct pressure on cells series or parllel connections, but certainly battery was dealing with more vibration than intended.

I cut some velcro cinch straps in half, lengthwise, and fed them through my mini leash loops and can now firmly secure battery, into nesting foam neoprene.

Use paracord through velcro loop to secure to one side.

My phase and sensor combined cables are 5.6mm diameter on 83mm hub motors, and 6.0 mm diameter on 90mm.

So enclosure was poorly sealed there.

Same self disconnecting remote occurred again with new powerswitch installed.

Had to stop, press solid green power button, to turn off, then again to turn back on, And once reconnected, it blinks green.

When it disconnects, there is no reason obvious reason, like hitting bumps, or being in the same location as a previous disconnect.

I don’t know how to diagnose further, or what more I can feasibly do.
Other than rip it out and get Fsesc 6.6 going.

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I have experimented with straps and velcro and hav become resigned to adhesives. Even if only a spot or two calk and double sided tape has outperformed anything short of cc foam under significant compression which is kinda a pain in th ass. Maybe if you put something sticky and compliant like a little cured silicon calk that the pack press into the is tied to?

What issues did you have with the velcro straps?

I was pretty happy with how battery was nestled into the super squishy neoprene foam, and how.i could vary the amount of foam compression with the straps.

I could see the straps stretching.

I’m not really keen on ahesives at this point.

Everything is temporary, but adhesives are less temporary that i desire right now while I am still figuring things out.

I might have the battery out again later today when I attempt to get the Vesc and loopkey and receiver and BT module situated and secured.

I was hoping the new power switch would solve the remote disconnects, and I’d have a bit more time to procrastinate, but the disconnects are not just inconvenient.

The last one I had to coast to a stop next to some pedestrians, one who wanted to pet Fiona, and Fiona did not like him, or sensed my annoyance at the disconnect, but she went all female dog, instead of tail wagging fluffy goofball.

It was more that straps alone were not enough, i put some adhesive velcro on the battery and also in the enclosure with straps and foam when that was my setup. Otherwise i was getting wear spots like you got and generally was not satisfied. My goal is to crack open my enclosure and see nothing but nice boring nothing. Finding worn spots on the battery after a few hundred miles just wasn’t good enough so i just kept iterating until i gave up on modularity.

Not that it can’t be made to work, i just found it simpler to abandon my efforts and get for more robust but more permanent solutions. I think something to make the battery pack stick like adhesive velcro or similar might serve you better in combination with the tie downs you’ve incorporated into the enclosure so you can still move the pack between boards. If nothing else it might be worth a try?

Those cutouts suck, hope you get them isolated and solved. Its only a matter of time until one happens at the wrong time. Not fun especially at 20 and towing. Could it be related to the esc temps? Florida is a warm place and asphalt is not the coolest of environments

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i see, thanks.

I didnt build this battery to flex, I have 0.5 mm g10 fiberglass adhered to top and bottom for extra ridigity of the pack.

While the deck and enclosure are pretty stiff, I am relying on them to flex around the stiff battery, and for the soft foam to allow that.

I didn’t really employ enough foam, and did not employ enough of the internal leash loop attachment points to secure battery better, which allowed the chafing. once the paracord strand broke.

Ill have to keep a closer eye on it.

It is nestled and secured far better than it was, and i can still move battery a few mm in any direction.

The Puaida/lingyi esc is likely to be retired. The disconnects are not happening when the esc is at its hottest. I was going very conservatively in late afternoon today, and a far shorter cruise than normal ut shkrt aftet the disconnect. I let off throttle and it just kept same speed for a second before power to motors was cut.

Left at 3.94 volts per cell, returned to 3.68 and hub urethane was 121f, passive urethane 106f, hub caps 127f. I used black sharpie on copper heatsink but IR gun still can’t get a meaningful read on it. I do the finger test and compare to hub cap and it was cooler tha the hubs.

Perhaps the heat cycling added up and there is some broke traces on potted circuit board and at a certain temperature it acts up.

My exposing the heatsink to outside airflow could have aggravated the thermal expansion and contraction.
Feeling how hot it gets when exposed to airflow, it must have really been cooking before.

Who knows.
It is just a 100$ plug and play Lingyi i got 5 good months and 500 miles and a couple dozen sanity helping kayak outings.

Thanks to Evwan and Arzamenable I have, and will have far better options to employ.

I wish I could get past my Vesctool anxiety.

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In an interesting but likely inconsequential twist. I placed overnight cold board on ground, with a topped off battery, turned on remote, and it said 1 battery bar, for board, then showed ‘disconnected’

I lift board, check power button, which I expected to be solid green, was off.
Pressed it and it beeps, remote connects, and Fiona and I barked up the hood never exceeding 16mph for 5 miles or so, without a disconnect.

Afraid to go faster, since that one time it disconnected under hard throttle and stuck there for a second afterwards.

Opened it back up.

I got my FS Vx1 receiver mated to Fsesc6.6, and the Puaida hub motors 5 sensor wires were installed inside 6 pin JST 2.0mm connectors

. I left the temp sensor ports bare.

I found the 2.1mm pin inside my 5x5 x 2.1 charge port receptacle all loosey goosey. I stuck my DMM probes in the xt30, and torqued the pin hard, but never heard a beep.

I had 10 new 10 amp rated ones arrive this week, and decided to open Lucy Goosey, for science.

I tried an experiment, soldering 18awg at 90 degrees, and it could be inserted into enclosure, but the locking nut didn’t want to co operate. It could be made to work.

I have other ideas, and since i wont have the power button anymore, Ill have two charge ports to fill the extra hole.

There’s a ‘thats what she said’ joke there.

My workbench is in the garage. The west wall’s concrete blocks feel like a giant heat spewing radiator, and it’s 90f in there, so I’m done, and sinking into the couch, drinking canned cheap domestic beer which should rightfully be mocked.
Champagne of beers my ass


The 7S roll of shame.

Beats walking.

Styling out 70mm crap urethane with new Zealous bearings.

I wanna keep the trucks this narrow when i employ M1 hubs and 80mm blood orange urethane, and dual OG Focboxes with the 10s1p p42a.

Thanks @Arzamenable


I cant get vesctool to open on windows7

Or on my Android

So I tried downloading vesctool mobile app from google play store, and it worked.

seems to work on bench.

motors sound awful.

i didnt mount esc or route cables. so no road teat.


So the data sheet that came with my hub motors says:
The stator slot number: 18
the number of the rotor: 20

Ill assume that means 20 poles and i should change from 14.

My real time data screen worked at first, then quit, even though wheels were responding to throttle.

wheres my sledgehammer.?
Im ready to just start smashing shit.

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The struggle is real, full power cycle and always “read - modify - write - read to confirm “ has been helpful for me. Also having something to productively or at least harmlessly release my frustration on is alway important. Also just giving up and coming back to it after a day when vesc refuses to cooperate :grin:

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I definitely gave up.

The motors spin up, remote works, but they sound awful unloaded.

I did this inside, i the AC, and alzheimered mother hears something new and freaks out. Stands in doorway shaking as i curse at vesctool samsung and flipsky and she thinks i am angry with her, and cant understand anything.

I wish I could have used laptop and a cable.

No issues connecting this AM, but then it detected only one motor.
More fustercluck.

Later, it saw both.
Abs overcurrent at more than half throttle, red lights flash, on bench. Says remote is not compatible, yet remote works.

I’m just working on organizing interior wiring around it, assuming Ill eventually feel confident with setting acceptable.parameters, step on it, and roll throttle.

Another pair of passive inboard 80mm urethane wheels and bearings, have arrived. A far.more exciting package, seems to have been resting in Memphis for 20 hours

Not many mobile app vesc tutorials.

Steppijg atop seems unlikely to happen today.

Sweated 5 pounds off pulling weeds, then a cold beer turned into 2, so far.

92f, 63% humidity.

I want my fast board back, and am ready to sledgehammer the Vesc , and the VX-1

And, I want to miss on the first two dozen swings, so that when i do connect, it is driven deep into the damaged concrete with what i can only imagine as being an orgasmic thud.

Followed by another dozen swings, chasing the pieces around the workshop.