Modifying prebuilt junk, in stages, to be less junk like.

This morning’s ride revealed that something is still quite wrong.

I tried another detection, and made it worse.

Manually detecting the motors, delivered insane inconsistency on the values.

I started this thread on that specific topic.

What causes wildly changing values on motor detection?

Seems I need to eliminate some variables, and the first will be the MR30 connectors.

They seem to separate far too easily and are 50% factory soldered.

I made short mt60 to mr30 adapters, with 16awg for the fsesc 6.6, but these bend 180 degrees inside enclosure adjacent to esc.

I have MR60’s on hand, to eliminate the adapter.

I am a bit confused on app settings regarding Vx1 remote.

Should be PPM only on master, but in my many attempts to set things up saw uart and ppm and uart, then other side said uart.

Depending on what was written the slave side, that motor didnt work at all or the motor responded poorly and crackly, and when I tried ADC both motors seemed equal and normal on bench, but road test was shit and thats where i gave up.

plugging the usb cable into side 2 also has issues when running remote wizard, but touching receiver no longer causes the input values from remote to change.

Im a bit confused by the canbus, can forwarding and such, and there seems to be an issue in this regard, hardware or fat fingered dimwittery.

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