Metr Pro Updates

Do you have this small icon? And notification with telemetry when you pull down?


Yep Iā€™ve got both of those things as well.


what app do you have to use for android wear? Cant seem to find one in the store.

Itā€™s the same app, you donā€™t need another one. On your watch, open Play Store and select ā€œApps on your phoneā€ ā†’

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thanks dude.

I have some suggestions Im sure some will be implemented but all the same.
If any of these are already a thing or in progress, ā€œplease let me know.ā€

Ok here it goes, my suggestions are as followā€™s.

  • Imperial/Metric: Needed option for the Tracker using LTE.
    (Im from USA so Kph is harder to figure, but possible.)

  • Crop Mode: Ability to grab sections of the Metr Data to share.
    (This allows for Riders to protect certain areas they may not want to share but still want to share the ride.)

  • Web UI: Allows riders with Metr to use a Web browser version of the app to configure their setup.
    (Windows, Mac, Linux, Apple, Android, etc all have a browser. maybe this is where Crop Mode. Also another selling point, imo.)

  • Tracking Sync: Allows Riders to sync up LTE data to the same weblink, thus allowing anyone with a link to view multi rider, race style data. You could watch a certain riders data by clicking on a drop down or maybe the rider as they are moving on the map. You could hide riders in the drop down and more. (This again may be something to add t the Web UI idea.)

  • Ghost Rider: Remember in racing video games, where you have to beat a ghost version of your past lap? This would be similar but would have to work without visuals and need headphones/phone speaker. The idea would be set a width and you press start on ghost rider, it will then start tracking your data until you pass the same spot again. It will also set the width to that first lap. You now have a course! When this happens you keep riding and Metr will tell you ever so often how far - or + in imperial/metric you are from your past lap/ghost. If you beat your lap/ghost then there is a Voice/Noise saying a new ghost rider has entered. Now you are racing your fastest lap. If you fall off course by the defined distance the lap will not count. This makes sure you have to stay within the set tracks limits. Also if you go out of bounds or the ghost rides past the finish first, it will reset and need you to run over the start point for the ghost to start.

Just some ideas, good, bad, complex, idk. :slight_smile:


I love the Ghost Rider idea but itā€™ll require a much higher resolution GPS trace than our phones can provide (and/or a very long and relatively simple course to follow).

Hereā€™s a few laps of the track we raced on Saturday, for example:


The resolution of the GPS on phones is not great but in this case Iā€™m afraid the major problem is the roof. If you have a GoPro 5 or later, try using that one for GPS logging and compare. GPS accuracy on the GoPro is superb.


Regarding the ghost rider idea, I really like that one. In paragliding, people use altitude meters with an acoustic feedback. Itā€™s just a single tone and the pitch changes as you gain or loose height. It would be very cool if you had the same when comparing your current lap result with your best lap. If youā€™re doing better the tone pitch would get higher and it would get lower when youā€™re falling behind.

This would require some track setup ā€“ defining the start/finish line and a number of traps where your current lap time is measured and compared to your best lap. Not an easy feature to implement for sure but would be very cool to have for racing, especially when practicing.


I think this is especially important with LTE. What if board gets stolen amd my phone as well, no way to still track it or lock the board.


There is already a way to do this.

  1. Open browser on your other device, laptop, etc.

  2. Go to You will be presented with QR code.

  3. Open Metr app, connect to your board, open Account tab ā†’ Sign in ā†’ Another device

  4. You are logged in and can see live location / lock the board.


Gonna hit up the web later and try it out.

How long will it stay logged in though? Because once my phone gets stolen thereā€™s no way to open the qr code (obviously)

Or do i stay logged in after the initial setup until i do another device

It will stay logged in for 30 days so yeah, you might forget to do this every month. The other solution could be one time codes for logging in.

Once your phone gets stolen you are very much screwed. I had a friend lost his phone recently. He does not have any laptop, everything was on his phone, I guess a lot of people nowadays have it like this. It was terrible :cry: Fortunately he was able to find it with help of phone shop and Find My iPhone.

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Oh yes. I believe i havenā€™t logged in once this year. There hasnā€™t been a reason for me. Now there is in case i need to track down my board.

I would assume that the chance of my board getting yoinked is higher than my phone but it would be nice to have an alternative login method that does not require a phone.


i think not, phone can be wipe and resell easily, but a board they need to know its hardware first to even begin trying to resell it

Not knowing what it is hasnā€™t stopped a lot of people from trying to sell stolen boards.

What i meant is that itā€™s probably far more likely for someone to try get his hands on my board than my phone in your average day to day ride. Why steal the phone from someone that has a frikkin motorized vehicle if you donā€™t steal the board as well.



i donā€™t know, probably just my mindset of having to weigh the value of item first before attempting to steal it, rather than to steal it then do shit about it afterwards.

but again, i havenā€™t steal that many things in my life, so i could be wrong :man_shrugging:t2:

I think youā€™re giving petty thieves more respect than they deserve lol

IMO the average thief isnā€™t reasoning as logically as you would if you were to steal something

Anyways, lots of cool ideas presented here

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@rpasichnyk I would like to order Metr Pro CAN + SD card shield since I am more than happy with my 2 uart metrs Iā€™ve been using so far, but I have a question.

My next build will be using 2x Trampa VESCs so CAN ports on both will be used connected between them. What are my options to add a can metr in between?


You just plug both VESCs to Metr Pro CAN like this: