Metr Pro Updates

There’s already a PIN for BLE authentication?

How would i turn it on, for a flipsky bluetooth module.

Those are not the same at all and are not configurable

Sad to see it end, happy to see it being reborn!

Metr is by far my all time favorite esk8 related item. In a few months i’ll be on my 4th year of using it and i loved every second of it. It saved my ass when i got stranded 20km away from home when my Neoboxes shit the bed and it saved me on other different occasions.

The Support and responsiveness from @rpasichnyk has been the best i have ever personally experienced.

Thank you @hexakopter and @rpasichnyk for this truly awesome tool. I wish both of you the best in your future endeavors. Excited to see what next!

– x


I can also vouch for my great satisfaction with my Metr Pro and the Metr cloud service for logs that I’ve been using for multiple years with first logs dated back to March of 2020.

Excellent compatiblity with VESC in checking faults and configuring parameters on the road and great to log performance and behavior from rides.


Does this mean will stay online for the foreseeable future?

@xsynatic @SimosMCmuffin
Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot to me!

@tech.shit yes, will stay online for the foreseeable future.


Shop is now taking orders, only few modules are left:

  • Metr Pro
  • Metr Pro UNITY

Any news about the M9N GPS support? Have you had a chance to take a look at the module you ordered? Thanks!

Yes, I just got it last week and was able to have a look at the module and add support for it! Please update your Metr Pro firmware to v5.60 and it should hopefully work!


It seems to work great! GPS detected immediately, satellites are found and GPS speed reading also updates. Thank you very much :metal:t2:

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@rpasichnyk I’m experiencing some bug with android 13,
Even though I allowed all what I could to the app, It still doesn’t work in background more than a few seconds
The only way I managed to make it temporarily work is to 1) deactivate all sort of battery managing option (not only for the app but in general) and 2) switching from “always allow to access location” to “always ask” and then when ask to chose “only this time” instead of “always alowed while in use”
It will work until the record is paused and then fail again

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@rpasichnyk is there a way around this ?

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I will check android 13 and location, thanks for letting me know.


Another thing i noticed is the Camera you can add to your live data pages.

When a page has the camera addon enabled and you leave the metr app (to ride for example) then the camera is still being occupied by metr, running down your battery/heating up the phone.

This seems to happen for me once i exit the app the second time.

I start the app (Camera gets enabled, even though the current page does not have the camera tile applied)

I go to the homescreen and the camera usage stops.

If i then go back into metr and switch apps again, then the camera will be active until you close metr or open another app that overwrites metrs camera usage.

Example 1 with showing the camera page

Example 2 (same result) but this time the page with the camera was not shown or used.


Thanks! I am trying to make it better now, camera will only be used when app is active and that particular realtime page that is using camera widget is visible.


Given the excellence of the metr devices so far, I’m super excited about this. There’s no other VESC add-on I recommend to people as much as a metr.


Please try updated app v4.15.3, I have fixed server connection issue on Android 7.

Hi, it took me a looooong time to fix my board and connect to the Metr Pro. But I am glad to tell you that the app is working again for me on Android 7.

Thank you so much. You’ve made an awesome product and thanks for fixing my problems once again! You the the MVP!


When metr x Davega collab? Both of my modules have fried and I don’t want to buy something that will be previous-gen soon

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You can’t buy metr atm so nothing to consider really

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