Metr Pro Updates

I apologize if I missed it but is there a chance of the metr pro being WAND compatible?


It’s the metr battery meter that fluctuates.

Is there an appropriate smooth margin you recommend setting?

I would love this, as metr logs data much better

If you are talking about the voltage jumping in a range of around 1v it’s because flipsky esc has poor accuracy on voltage. It says on their product page the voltage is in±0.6v. I have flipsky 6.6 plus, tb esc and Vesc 6.6 plus, only fsesc acts like that.


What pins of the JST connector are necessary for Metr Pro to work?

Only four pins: 3.3V, GND, TX and RX need to be connected.

Jumping voltage workaround - enable Smooth voltage in Settings -> Battery

@taz not WAND compatible at the moment

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Can anyone help me get ppm logging working please.

I’m on dual flipsky 6.6 with a metr pro.

Running Ackmaniac 3.102.

All other data displays in the app without any issues…

I’m on the latest version of the app and I don’t have the firmware update sign showing.


Metr Pro has to be plugged in master VESC to get PPM. Try to use another UART header?

I have it connected to the master, (same side as the ppm cable from the receiver).

Is there something to watch out for when using it with Trampas vesc6? I’m planning on buying a vesc6 and make sure, i can use my existing module. (Reminds me of the EB-Maker Xesc which has a different uart layout.

just match the pins from the modul to the pins on the vesc.
it´s written on the vesc as well as on the module. if something is wrong, than just threw that cable out and plug it into the right place.

It’ll work out of the box with the official VESC6.
Check this :


Damn! Didn’t think about that. Thank you. Yeah its a vesc from trampa itself, althoughi can’t decide if i take a 4.12 and risk it or just buy the vesc6. (Need FOC)

Golden rule : no FOC with 4.12 :wink:

Thats what confuses me. Dexter told me that he had no problems. Other use it too on 4.12 if you don’t Stress it to much. Likewise alot of people say 4.12= no no

As you wish.
But nowadays, there aren’t so many price difference between 4.12 and 6 that can justify taking the risk of running a 4.12 in FOC.
For BLDC, this is fine. Even for MTB use (but need extra cooling).

Well the price difference is definitely present.

Either one Trampa VESC 6 or 3 Torqueboard VESC 4.12’s while still beeing a bit cheaper. But yes i could burn through 3 of them while one of the vesc6 still runs fine. I think we should move this conversation due to not having to do anything with the metr anymore.

Buy a Flipsky 6.6. They did a discount few months ago, it was almost the same price

I’m getting weird stats and telemetry reading.

  • Vesc6
  • FW 3.60
  • Metr app v3.9.2

All the time? Or how did you get it?