Metr Pro CAN [available to order]

People that ordered Metr Pro CAN modules without GPS should see their tracking numbers via PayPal now. EU folks hopefully receive them before Christmas.:christmas_tree:
All GPS modules will be tested now to make sure everyone receives a fully working bundle and open orders will be shipped out on Monday.

Each module has its unique pairing code. For the Metr Pro CANs with the SD Card module and 3D printed case it can be seen on the inside of the stacked module and there is also a sticker on the outside. I would advise to note down the pairing code and remove the sticker from the case afterwars to have a cleaner look. :slightly_smiling_face: When the note is lost there is always the option to open the case and have a look at the pairing code inside.

All Metr Pro CAN modules are deliverd with three cables. One to connect to the CAN-bus and power, the second one to forward the CAN signals to another VESC and the thrid one as a spare cable.
All modules with an SD card shield have a 16GB SD card plugged in and come with an Micro SD to SD card adapter.

Here some pictures how the Metr Pro CAN module is plugged to a Stromcore and Unity or gets connected between two 4.11 VESCs.


How would it connect to 4 x single ESCs?


Because the CAN-bus is a bus system you just plug the Metr Pro CAN somewhere on the wiring harness. The second port on the module is only there for convenience, so that you don’t have to solder anything when wiring it between two VESCs. Internally the CAN-H and CAN-L lines are connected together.
So for the dual setup it would also be possible to solder together your own wiring harness and only use one of the Metr Pro CANs JST GH ports.


Hello interested in this what else do you need for it
I already have a GPS module Beitian BN-220T
My vesc is a Sprinted dual.

Wouldn’t mind a cheap bms just keep an eye on cell voltages only, could someone please reccomd a bms please? That would work with it ?

Ah cool :+1: Thats what I thought, just wasn’t sure cos of that photo


Then you only need Metr Pro CAN + SD card shield. BN-220 is compatible.

LLT BMS from Apex Customs



I was wondering in the fifth picture, if the metr is serving as a canbus cable for 2 single ESCs?


Yes it is.


Metr Pro CAN orders with GPS were packed and labeled yesterday and shipped today in the morning. Because of the reported corona mutation shipping to the UK was not possible, but all other orders are shipped now.

The full bundle with the Metr Pro CAN + SD shield + GPS comes in a 3D printed housing with the SD card mounted and GPS connected. The package includes a Micro SD to SD card adapter, a double sided adhesive piece to secure the GPS module, a spare 15cm power cable (on top of the main 15cm power and CAN forward cables) and a longer 30cm spare GPS cable.

When changing for the longer GPS cable make sure that you connected it the right way, so the colors of the end match the following order. If they do not, use the other end.


is it necessary to have the GPS somewhere on the surface of the board, or is it possible to have it burried somewhere in the enclosure?

Metr Can is working with Spintend :slight_smile:
But I have a question, does the can port I choose matter ?
I have datas on my app but how can I know if both VESC communicate with the Metr ?
I only connected 1 cable on 1 can port, do I have to connect both ?


Has anyone in the US that has ordered one received it yet?

I just placed an order. I’m not betting on it showing up till after a month at least

Sorry for the late reply, looks like I missed some questions.

@michondr From our testings it also works inside an enclosure but it can take longer for the first fix. It also depends on the enclosure type and where the module is placed exactly, for an example in an carbon fibre board + enclosure it probably will not work.
For best GPS signal and fastest fix it would be best to mount it on top of the trucks like a DAVEGA X.

@Xpress2016 Great that you received the module and it is working with the Spintend.
The CAN port shouldn’t matter and I guess both controllers are already connected via CAN-Bus internally, so connecting with one cable should be fine. You can check if data from both sides are logged when opening a log, tab on the little arrow so you can choose what data is displayed and then tab on the split arrow to show individual data from both ESCs.
You could also go to Settings -> Magic -> Developer Mode and enable it. Then you can see the “VESC Count” that should show “2” in your case.

@ProfoundMagician I checked tracking for a few Metr Pro CAN orders to the US and it looks like they haven’t reached the US yet. The shipping company stated that packages to the US can take longer than normal at the moment because of Covid-19 related limited transport capacities.


what do you mean by “fix”?

what’s the largest memory size the metr can can support? 128GB? 256GB? I want to throw a big enough microsd card in it and forget about it, and maybe sync it up monthly if nothing happens during my ride.

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A GPS “fix” is a successful geolocation. The first time a unit is used it can take a little longer to get a geolocation, this is true across many devices.


that is actually great idea, I wonder if you get some info that the card is being filled up too much

I understand it when you power on the board, not when you buy it and plug in the power the first time ever :smiley:

ok, so davega will be in the front, something to hold the GPS in the back :smiley: