Mental health - please take care of it

Esk8, stay busy, don’t give your mind the opportunity to think negatively. Boredom leads to depression for me so I try to always be occupied.


If you don’t have an addictive personality, just the right amount of uppers & downers does wonders.


I think everyone goes through patches where things feel hopeless. These times can seem demoralizing and debilitating. There is also no one answer to the question. For me, I stay active and go on as many adventures as life allows. The world is a big, beautiful place and putting yourself in new places and in new experiences reminds me of that. New people, places, things and tooooo many projects keeps me sane.

I think everyone has to explore all the time to find what makes them happy. My $0.02


Slippery slope bro. I love intoxicants as much as the next lad but imo if you’re taking them to use as a crutch things will eventually go sideays. That’s how addicition takes root


@Battery_Mooch thanks <3

@tech.shit currently don’t have a battery, but just ordered components, so hopefully soon
but yeah, i try to stay busy as most as i can, but you just can’t be bust 24/7 and i really lost my drive

@marketthrowaway suggestions
weed and lsd is something i wanna try out. hear lsd can also help in fixing brain structures
also know that this stuff can make things go the wrong direction, so yeah
also i’m fucking paranoid of ordering that stuff

@Common_good I’d love to, but I never really learned that → I was bullied in school and learned to stay at home and play video games, couldn’t really change that habbit so far


I’ve found small doses of LSD with orange juice does wonders for my outlook on life.

Also try small doses of ground mushrooms in lemon juice. (has to steep for 30 minutes or more) (not at the same time as lsd)

and remember to never do psychedelics on an empty stomach

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Then let’s play! There’s a lot of us here that game when we’re not building or riding skateboards :call_me_hand:

I’m playing vr, switch, and a few old pc games at the moment.

It’s silly but whenever I’m generally bummed with the neggy vibes, I like to watch Adventure Time. It’s such a feel good, nonsensical, yet so deep and real show. Watching the cast get in touch with their emotions in ways that relate to common issues always makes me happy to see and remember that it’s 100% okay to not be okay.

Thanks for reaching out spirit warrior!


Mostly play CSGO, Fortnite, Rocket League
Currently started Path of Exile, but already getting bored of it, as it’s kinda just killing enemies and there’s too much text in the story parts, so i don’t read them at all. Also the massive amount of Skill Orbs is just overwhelming and makes me stay with the items i already use unless there’s obvious benefits

I didn’t really like adventure time, though i liked distant lands
any other tv recommendations? I’m way too fast watching through them ^^’


Watch all of the original Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Shit is GOATed. Def a time sink but fully fucking worth it.

I wouldn’t kill myself, that only transfers the pain to others, especially to my wife and daughter.

I keep busy, building and doing stuff around the house, go skating and I somehow try not to lose my mind with all the anxieties I have.

It’s mainly noises, I am predisposed by a shitty upbringing with both parents having mental issues due to their own upbringing (dad born in ‚39, never had a father because he died in the war, mom juggling all five kids with post-war troubles; mom grew up with a dominant mother, she and her father were ‚second class people‘) and they never got therapy because it was the seventies etc.

So I’m stuck in my anxieties with psychosomatic problems and I am trying to find a therapist for ages.
I kind of don’t want to find one and at the same time find one, I’m torn because I put all of this past in a drawer in my mind, I sometimes open it, look inside, have a bit of a meltdown and then I weld it shut again.
Going to therapy would have make me open the drawer again and then prop it open.


and this is how we circle back to esk8

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Only do it on an empty stomach! Bad advice

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Sure if you want to guarantee a bad trip.

Eat food, don’t starve yourself for the sake of drugs. Food is healthy.

Seriously people.
Food > Drugs.


I’ve been through my fair share of ups and downs. I watched my mother waste away from stage IV colon cancer from ages 9-13. I still don’t think I’ve properly come to terms with it. Yet somehow, I’ve managed to graduate college and be 95% independent. My older brother got married and had a kid and none of my younger siblings have done anything irreparable.

I got into an eskate accident with a vehical in 2019 and my body has never felt the same. I work a challenging job in education that doesn’t pay enough. I don’t love my current living situation and I wish I was closer to home and friends. I have a tendency to minimize my problems because I know I have it so good compared to 80% of the people in this world.

I feel so powerless and hopeless in today’s world. Wars, regressive ideologies, inaction/indifference, and the pandemic have really taken a toll on me. I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders as a 24 year old trying to achieve his dreams and envision an ideal world that is better for everyone.

For the first time in a while, I had suicidal thoughts while driving back home from the beach to go work. I cried in the car for a bit for a variety of reasons. I reached out to a friend and sibling tonight to let them know I was feeling this way. I was honestly surprised to have such strong thoughts re-enter my mind. I know I’m stronger than that.

This community has been a safe space for me to get lost in the weeds of tinkering, jokes, and conversation. We really have a good space here to help each other help ourselves and provide our limited knowledge when necessary. I value this community even though I’ve been very inactive recently.

Sorry I just needed to vent. I usually journal to release the tension in my mind but having “random” people in the internet void see my thoughts makes it more cathartic for me.


While this statement should be a thought in more folks minds, it shouldn’t be an excuse to diminish the levity of their personal problems. That leads to pushing off issues that can balloon up until they seem insurmountable.

From my experience the “head in the sand” approach isn’t really the best in relation to world news/politics/etc, it can be pretty helpful in allowing you to focus on what you CAN control. It has helped me. Checking out from the news that inundates us with 95% negativity, can feel quite good.

Be well, and take care of yourself (but not necessarily by yourself)


This. And Social Media as well. Got a new phone a couple of months ago and haven’t set up any social media aside from Youtube and it feel fucking great.

The news cycle is purposely sensationalist. Can u imagine if everyone had a 24 hr news cycle or social media during the cold war era? An entire generation would have PTSD and crippling anxiety.


Idk who needs to hear this but
As im sure plenty of you know i drink a lot. Sometimes too much, but its usually rather controlled. I was at my local smoke shop today and it turns out i had like 3x the biggest reward in points built up. Spent some on some kratom sodas.

Not bad but wouldve been stupid pricey without.
Anyways, reminded me. Kratom tea is really really great if youre ever trying to cut back on drinking.


Thank you .Important information

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In light of recent events, I find this topic very important.

Someone I knew always used to say:
“Our most brilliant friends are always doubting themselves”

This community is made up off some of the most brilliant people I ever met. Please talk about your feelings with someone if your ever find yourself skating the dark road.

The community is here for you :heart:


I did 6-8 months off drink a while ago mostly because physical health wasn’t great but I can highly recommend anything like this, a lot of my social life was in typical alcohol settings and my version was trying to find the worst energy drink or whatever at a bar. This only applies if being in a bar or club isn’t already gonna push you too far or be unbearable, but I found gamifying it or turning it into a competition with drunk people or anything like that helped a lot to bridge the social gap