For the past half decade, esk8 is the only thing giving me something to look forward to. It’s been the on my thing keeping me on my feet. Sometimes you need to fast track the mental part of recovery.
A pair of good shoes and an early alarm would let me just walk everywhere, sure it’s an option but it’s not a very good one. Just as a bicycle would be pushed up more hills than it’s ridden down, and my skills aren’t exactly in the field of pushing bicycles uphill.
I get it some of you live in cities with perfectly paved roads that don’t slope more than a few degrees and only get 6-7 days of precipitation per year, but some of us live in the real world.
And again, I always have the option of trading in this addiction for another one…
I found out last week from a former team member a young man I was helping train muay thai years ago committed suicide due to online and in person bullying and stalking.
Very sad considering we all came together to try and help him and he was finally getting his life together until suddenly he disappeared. He was very smart and had potential in and out of the ring but had an incredibly rough upbringing which I think left a deeper mark than any of us at the time realised.
Rest in peace mate.
If you know someone dealing with shit, even if you’re not friends, offer an ear and listen. You could save a life.
If you have issues you’re dealing with, there’s no shame in asking for help.
I get this - sometimes I just yearn for a sk8 up the trail. I get to see kids and dogs and families and people out enjoying their surroundings. Plus on the long empty stretches I get to carve it up.
Been sick with some respiratory bs for two weeks. Wife had it a week before and is still sick and it’s slowly marching through my kids. Doc said it’s not contagious after the first week but it just takes everything out of ya. Been napping constantly and sleeping like 18hrs a day. Barely able to keep the house running but ive been putting it in for the kiddos and Christmas and the job and just checking out of everything not absolutely 100% necessary. Bonus sinus infection added to the mix because ive been so stopped up.
Been rough, but today i felt good enough im catching up on laundry. Might get the kitchen cleaned up too. Little victories. Luckily my workbenches aren’t a shared space so ive been able to just tap out on my projects without having to clean up after myself, some of them been sitting idle for a month now. Going to have to clean up to remember what i was doing
So, over the last few years it seems like everyone I know now has ADHD. As I’ve learnt more about it, my attitude has shifted from “nah, you don’t have it - that’s all normal stuff”. To “Oh dear, maybe I just thought it was normal because it’s normal to me.”
Almost, or possibly all factors I’ve learnt about with it describe my whole life since as long as I can remember always being in the naughty corner or referral room, to pretty much every desirable and non desirable trait associated with it.
Building skateboards becomes an obsession. Pointing them fast through cluttered streets as sketchy as can be is stimulating AF.
I’m wondering if there might be a majority of us here, diagnosed or not, with either ADHD or ADHD AF.
Any opinions? How many people would give a toss?
I’m currently on the way if thinking that the time or money spent getting a diagnosis, if I’m correct, would be better spent self medicating, buying more esk8 parts, and just pointing mountain bikes and esk8’s as much as possible. Life’s short - who gives a shit!
I wouldn’t do anything differently if I was labelled that way, and I wouldn’t expect anybody to treat me differently.
In short, I wouldn’t give a toss.
I think it can be helpful to know if your children are that way inclined so that you can tailor their learning to work for them, but as a grown ass adult, I’m already fucked
If it helps you figure yourself out and be happier then it’s a good thing. It’s such a huge spectrum of symptoms that you COULD put a lot more people under the umbrella of it without trying too hard. It’s also just like people, it is a spectrum and not black and white. Many many shades of grey. The trick that drs keep secret for a diagnosis is: are the symptoms causing a sincere negative impact on your QOL?
Don’t let that be a negative, if you are undiagnosed or borderline or just simply suffering from acute empathy, knowing yourself and what your needs are is wisdom. I have adhd and take medication daily now though i didn’t from the end of hs until post covid. Its just a tool i use.
There are some serious advantages imho to adhd, and i think a lot of the negative stigma associated with is really just that modern society doesn’t mesh well with the way i am. I need (good) stress, i need exercise, i need mentally engaging and new work, i need to be outside.
When i get all those things i succeed and have enough extra spoons at the end of the day to keep up on all my important boring shit like hygiene, cleaning, and personal relationships. If i don’t get those things i literally cant deal. Like a caged bird, it’s just not the right place for me.
Having a name for things like hyper focusing or task initiation difficulties and coping skills like body doubling or injecting urgency and clearly defined roles and responsibilities is really helpful to me.
Google some of the hunter-gatherers adhd studies if you want to find some positive perspectives on adhd, as well as some interesting theories about how to play into adhd’s advantages. When i was diagnosed in the 90s everyone and everything killed my self esteem with broken/disabled they made it out to be adhd, and I found a book about these theories and it changed my whole world.
Literally i was failing elementary school and they were going to put me in special ed, except i placed into the 98th percentile on all my placement tests in 4th grade and they didn’t know what to do with me… they needed to put me outside
I think so. I think it’s environment. We have phones, we have video games, we have TV and whatever else as a massive distraction.
Imagine sitting down reading a book, which I did routinely when I was younger, and not even thinking about checking your phone. Or imagine living on a farm in the dead of winter and the only thing to do is work on the tractor.
We just don’t live in that world anymore. Everything is interrupt driven. You literally have a thing in your pocket that pings when an advertiser wants to sell you something.
So ADHD? Sure, of course.
Do something about it? Well, if you know it’s there you’re already most of the way. The rest is just mitigation strategies.
possible strategy: don’t physically carry your phone when you’re at home. Check it only when you eat. But probably the side effect is you’ll get really fat.
Over here. Just had a psychiatric meeting the other day funnily enough.
It’s a lifelong struggle, with different issues in every individual and every stage of life.
Unfortunately, there’s just no “right way” to deal with it yet, besides trying to have an understanding and supportive community and also a stimulating passion.
This is dismissive and comes off as “oh yeah everyone’s got it, like anxiety, you’re not special”
Maybe you don’t.
Is this your reality? I’m so sorry for you.
You want people to mitigate who they are? What’s your issue with us?
Probably the one time I think nobody should ever check their phone. This is why dinner table conversation is perceived as being dead. And yeah it probably will turn you obese. Nobody wants to be obese.
i disagree, i fall asleep on Ritalin. like ive been holding my breath for a week and i can finally relax. i have tried other medications and the short acting nature as well as very low dosage might have something to do with this (i take the same dose as someone 1/3 my weight) my adhd is what that shit was made for. chemically it just works for me. it doesn’t work for everyone but it has some positive effects for enough that it defiantly got over used in the 90s and 00s. there are a lot of non stimulant medications available now also that drs are more happy to prescribe. also as there is a huge stigma against “legal speed” “legal meth” types in general as well as complicated regulations federally… that i would like to add make my life a lot harder and unnecessarily.
I have problems doing routine things, like remembering to take my meds, make and attend appointments, follow up on open-ended tasks like calling to confirm things. unless I’m on them: i can only get one months supply at a time. i can only get it filled if i go in and ask for it to be filled and cant schedule it or make it an autofill. the supply of it is artificially reduced because of laws that set limits on the class of medication and how much can be produced each year and i use an old boring one that doesn’t make the manufactures much money anymore and the newer ones aren’t as effective so I’m often waiting a few days to weeks to get my script filled because there is less of it available than what is consumed by legal prescriptions. i can only get it filled after it has elapsed so im usually down to a day or two of medication left. i would use a slightly better version of this medication except that the one that works better is even harder to keep filled because of higher demand. i have to change brands and go through different generics because of the supply issues so my insurance overloards demand additional secondary preapproval from my dr that has to be done before they will give me the reduced price… which takes at least two days unless i call my dr. sometimes after approval and whatnot gets back the the pharmacist, the limited supply of that brand is no longer available and i need to use another brand which needs another approval. now im way behind but i don’t get the missing doses to then weather the next possible drought of access, i have to hoard and skip to get any holdover meds. the pharmacy cant issue interim or supplemental meds like they can for my BP or similar medications - I’m on my own because of the extra regulations.
it wasn’t your intention but i feel the burn every time i hear someone say ‘legal speed’ and similar phrases in reference to my medication because i feel like that is the reason i have to go the the pharmacist like 3-4 extra times.
ya ive had the stuff since i dono what age, becarefull of the long term cardiovasucal issues. i have my own personal beef with it. different folks different strokes i guess
My main issues with Ritalin, Concerta and the like we’re how they affected my personality. Like I wasn’t able to have one. I was flat with very few interests or passions.
Everyone seems to be competing for who has the most unique quirks these days.
I think it’s great that people are talking about it, but I fear the trendiness aspect of it. I’ve seen it happening too often when someone is talking about their adhd or autistic child and other people will jump in about how their kid does things like that or they themselves always do that. It’s feeling almost more like people are starting to do it to fit in. Absolutely not trying to discredit anyone. That is for a good doctor to diagnose.
I say this as the parent of a diagnosed child with ADHD. Kids been in the 98+ percentile his whole life but just didn’t get challenged enough so he made up his own games.