Mental health - please take care of it

So many great responses, thanks.

I think I don’t give a shit about the A’s and D’s. Life is frustrating, sure. But I remember the times of not having stupendously challenging jobs involving getting on a plane every other week and the boredom was equally as frustrating.

When I look at normal folk, in their polished shoes talking about the weather and their favourite sports team, I’m actually glad I’m pointing skateboards at pubs and potholes, and bikes at rocks and hills rather than going for a round of golf and climaxing the day by watching television.

I’m going for a ride while I wait for some glue to cure in my window sashes.


I think we can all agree, fuck golf :+1:


Just gotta always keep on trucking.


This thread is usually a place of negativity, ranting and/or condolence, so here’s an positive mental health post.

After the fire, I really didn’t know what to do with myself. I had to seemingly start all over. Thankfully, fate graced me with some scraps of esk8, which I took with gusto and made lemonade out of those lemons.

Building an esk8 has been a great motivator to accomplish other things in my life. It’s also revealed to me that with ADHD I require something this stimulating to keep me on my toes.

I really could never have made it this far in life if it weren’t for the awesome people on this forum, you guys freaking rock. Thanks!


Gentle men ( and lady?) if you’re in America, or not, this seems like it might be a challenging year. I went from making 70$ an hr to 18 a back to 61( I live in SF I’m still poor) the stock market just crashed and my retirement is at risk from a neonatzi.

I call on everyone who is of sound mind or at least fooling most people your sane, to step up and be an example of how you would be treated. This is an embarrassing time for America, but it’s an opportunity to pull together, rise above and overcome. Reach out to people, make a difference and if you need help, swallow your pride, as for help. It’s not how we fail ( we all do) the measures of people and society is how we pull together and get up from a defeat.

I got a new job recently, they asked how good are you? I said I can’t tell you, I can only show you. Walk the walk, brothers keeper, bull Durham clenches etc . Be well


Make Esk8 great again.

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in regards to the everyone seems to have it thing:
even though it’s a spectrum of severity, imo
it’s overdiagnosed,

it’s much more than inattentiveness, constant fidgeting, memory, etc. things that people would use to say they have it, even if in reality they don’t. like OCD (that one is a worse offender. like, no becky, just cause you don’t like that my socks aren’t matching today that doesn’t mean you have it.)

not to say that there can be a lot of us here that have it though

as an individual?
i think it’s worth it to try for a diagnosis if you think your case is severe enough that it affects your everyday life, it never hurts. i’ve gone back i think 4 times for different screenings so i can hopefully get a better idea of what i’m dealing with, it never hurts, except my wallet :saluting_face:
i don’t really go around saying what i have, i think it’s better people like me for who i am not what i have.