Mental health - please take care of it

if only I could drive, or had a vehicle that worked, or had some coin.


you need to do some bushcraft videos and start a yt channel id watch it :ok_hand::ok_hand:

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well, if I hadn’t destroyed my phone in the wipeout that would be an option


When he says “get used to taking cold showers in the dark” that really hit home


Good idea.

Admittedly, caffeine has never been much of an addiction of mine, SUGAR on the other hand…
I’ve always had a hard time controlling my sugar intake.

Admittedly I’ve done a poor job of these things recently. I’m on levetiracetam which doesn’t really SEEM TO dampen my brain function but I’ve been stretched pretty thin, haven’t gotten much sleep, and I’m recovering from sickness so I haven’t been eating much, so all those things may be dampening my brain function enough for me not to notice.

Admittedly, this wasn’t as hard for me as waking up to find everybody worried about me while I FEEL fine.
Of course I’m not fine and my family has every reason to be worried about me but it’s hard not to feel a bit embarrassed/ashamed when I “wake up” to find everyone in my house around me worried about me while I’m in my underwear. I tend to have this shame response which makes me want to hide my mental dampening for fear of feeling stupid.

Do you have any recommendations to allow your own brain to recognize that it’s not your fault that everyone is worried about you?

For those without context this is about seizures.

My sister’s partner’s mom is a nurse who I’m going to see tomorrow, hopefully I can get a referral to a local neurologist that actually exists.

This still does make me sad though. I like to operate vehicles…


Hey mate, fellow seizer here. At least you didn’t wake up in your undies to the paramedics :sweat_smile: Was this your first and second ever? Any febrile ones as a baby?

I’ve had 2 seizures to date, both right upon waking. One in 2017 and another in 2018. I was in good health, not crazy stressed, was getting normal enough sleep, etc.

All the tests came back clean so I got thrown on levitracetam (generic Keppra) to manage it and put on a watch schedule. Didn’t drive for the first month because I was scared but didn’t have any other issues so I picked it back up. Had another one 18 months later and upped the dosage. Stayed seizure free for 6 years but dealt with some awful side effects that are very common with epilepsy meds, unfortunately. KeppRage is real. Talk to your partner about it early as a possibility and to keep an eye out for it. It’s wrecked a lot of relationships for people while they figure it out. I’ve found taking a B6 vitamin daily to be very helpful and so have many studies.

Been on a plan with my doctor to taper down my dosage and no issues so far on the lowest allowable dosage🤞

Your body is going through a lot of internal stress from your injury, hopefully these are just a few one-offs to reset your brain and you won’t have to deal with it for long.

Have you had any auras yet?

Mine are the deja vu/detachment kind and it’s trippy as fuuuuck


I think I might’ve actually done so to be fair, my memory of the incident isn’t great.

This was my first and second ever, none as a baby according to my parents.

That’s spooky to me, I like to think I’m a pretty agreeable person. Admittedly I take a bit of pride in that.

This is really good info though.

I’m not sure, yesterday the weather was pretty specific and felt like a late summer day during my childhood but I’ve had things like that all my life so I’m not sure if that was the weather and how my brain already works or if that was an “aura”

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Woah you just wrinkled my brain. I do that too. Specifically a summer day from a vacation when I was a kid, when the weather is just right. That’s really interesting, I’ve never considered that before.

On the positive, that has never started a focal seizure for me like weird ass deja vu episodes do.

Sounds like you’re in the discovery period still. Hopefully you’re a 2 and done situation :crossed_fingers:

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A song I found to be relatable.

I saw your pm.

I just want to give you the best reply I can, so I’m taking some time to think about it.

It’s important to know that you are not your brain. Your are merely the software running on that hardware. Detaching my mental self from my body has greatly improved the way i look at it and handle it. As @Venom121212 says, the experience can be very trippy so it’s important to keep your feet on the ground. Not being able to rely on your memories is pretty tough especially when you are in an argument with someone. You can’t be sure of anything you remember so you can only believe others. It’s like a PC running only on RAM and no HDD. (I’m an IT person lol)

But it will get better, I found Ive become more at peace since I realized just need to overcome and accept it.

In the end it seems I have become a lot more grateful for just feeling normal. Especially after having one of those episodes.

All that being said. I only had 1 real seizure and drove into a tree. Never had a “real” one after that.


Big one imo. I’ve always heard that brain health starts with gut health. Cutting down on sugar is just healthy


@Egtscs been thinking about you today man

Hopefully all is well :call_me_hand:

I haven’t ridden in a week or so, so I’m gonna hit the streets today for you

I hope your s/o is holding up okay as well, it’s not an easy time for anyone, but rest assured you got some people thinking about you

Sending all the good vibes I can, keep being strong :muscle:


I’ve been trying to be responsible and not risk another fall on my shoulder between now and my surgery but it’s tough man, it’s been like a whole month for me.

Hit some deep carves for me, I want your tires at the edge of their grip and those M2s at full lean for me dawg. Tear it up out there for me man.


Things could always be worse. You could be tunneling with a jack hammer in 96 degrees heat :sweat_smile:


Or like me watering the entire job

33,000 gallons later we got it turned off. Shitty day


is it mental health day or am i just procrastinating?
can i really be honest with myself??


Sometimes this is your inner self telling you to take a moment and take it slow. Take some time to be thoughtful.

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If it’s a mental health day there’s an esk8 in the picture, otherwise it’s procrastination :slight_smile:


It’s a bright and sunny day today, and PTSD is a bitch.

I still see the flames whenever I close my eyes.

And no sk8.


Hey! Do want to have a talk in private about this?
I have seen you posting this thread a lot in the last months… mostly negativity with no context.
Which sucks to hear but its hard to reply anything helpful without knowing whats up.
I understand posting all your tech.shit here in the public is also not a fun thing to do so if ya need someone to let it all out in private send me a pm.

Otherwise take care and go out and skate !


Been having flashbacks to the inferno that was my home.

Every time I think of anything to do with it I have a panic attack.

I keep seeing the blaze.